Early Cornish texts

Specimens of Middle Cornish texts are given here in Cornish and English. Both texts have been dated within the period 1370-1410 and the Charter Fragment is given in two Cornish orthographies. (Earlier examples of written Cornish exist but these are the first in continuous prose or verse.)



The absorption of Cornwall within the Kingdom of England was not immediate. It was not until the reign of Athelstan that the Cornish kings became subject to the rulers of Wessex: even so the border was established irrevocably on the east bank on the Tamar and in ecclesiastical matters Cornwall was added to the territory of the Bishops of Sherborne. Under Canute it ceased to be subject to the King of England and only later, at an unknown date in Edward the Confessor's reign was annexed again. After the Conquest the Earldom of Wessex was broken up and soon Cornwall was established as a Norman earldom of importance. Cornwall was regarded as a separately named province, with its own subordinated status and title under the English crown, with separate ecclesiastical provision in the earliest phase. There were subsequent constitutional provisions under the Stannary Parliament, which had its origins in provisions of 1198 and 1201 separating the Cornish and Devon tin interests and developing into a separate parliament for Cornwall maintaining Cornish customary law. From 1337, Cornwall was further administered as a 'quasi-sovereign' royal Duchy during the later medieval period.

The implication of these processes for the Cornish language was to ensure its integrity throughout this period. It was until early modern times the general speech of essentially the whole population and all social classes. The situation changed rapidly with the far-reaching political and economic changes from the end of the medieval period onwards. Language-shift from Cornish to English progressed through Cornwall from east to west from this period onwards.

Growth in population continued to a likely peak of 38,000 before the demographic reversal of the Black Death in the 1340s. Thereafter numbers of Cornish speakers were maintained at around 33,000 between the mid-fourteenth and mid-sixteenth centuries against a background of substantial increase in the total Cornish population. From this position the language then inexorably declined until it died out as community speech in parts of Penwith at the end of the eighteenth century.

Linguistic changes

During this middle period, Cornish underwent changes in its phonology and morphology. An Old Cornish vocabulary survives from ca. 1100, and manumissions in the Bodmin Gospels from even earlier (ca. 900). Placename elements from this early period have been 'fossilised' in eastern Cornwall as the language changed to English, as likewise did Middle Cornish forms in Mid-Cornwall, and Late Cornish forms in the west. These changes can be used to date the changeover from Cornish to English in local speechways, which together with later documentary evidence enables the areas within which Cornish successively survived to be identified.

Middle Cornish is best represented by the Ordinalia, which comprise a cycle of mystery plays written in Cornish, it is believed at Glasney College, Kerrier, in west Cornwall, between 1350 and 1450, and performed throughout areas where the language was still extant in open-air amphitheatres (playing-places or 'rounds' - plenys-an-gwary in Cornish) which still exist in many places.

There is also a surviving religious poem Pascon agan Arluth (The Passion of Our Lord) which enable a linguistic corpus of Middle Cornish to be ascertained. Later miracle play compositions include: Beunans Meriasek (the Life of St. Meriadoc) datable to 1504; and William Jordan of Helston's Gwreans an Bys (The Creation of the World). These may hark back to older forms of the language, for other writings in the sixteenth century show the language to have been undergoing substantial changes which brought it into its latest surviving form (Late or Modern Cornish). These writings include John Tregear's translation of Bishop Bonner's 'Homilies' c. 1556. [1]

The Charter Fragment, ca. 1400

The Charter Fragment is a short poem about marriage, believed to be the earliest extant connected text in the language. It was identified in 1877 by Henry Jenner among charters from Cornwall in the British Museum and published by Jenner and by Whitley Stokes.[1]


1 golsoug ty cowez 2 byz na borz mez 3 dyyskyn ha powes 4 ha zymo dus nes

5 mar cozes ze les 6 ha zys y rof mowes 7 ha fest unan dek 8 genes mar a plek 9 ha, tanha y

10 kymmerr y zoz wrek 11 sconya zys ny vek 12 ha ty a vyz hy 13 hy a vyz gwreg ty da 14 zys ze synsychy

15 pur wyr a lauara 16 ha govyn worty 17 Lemen yz torn my as re 18 ha war an greyz my an te 19 nag usy far

20 an barz ma ze pons tamar 21 my ad pes worty byz da 22 ag ol ze voz hy a wra 23 rag flog yw ha gensy soz 24 ha gassy ze gafus hy boz

25 kenes mos zymmo 25a ymmyug 26 eug alema ha fystynyug

27 dallaz a var infrez dar war 28 oun ma porzo 29 ef emsettye worzesy

30 kam na vezo 31 mar az herg zys gul nep tra 32 lauar zesy byz ny venna 33 lauar zozo gwra mar mennyz 34 awos a gallo na wra tra vyz

35 in vrna yz sens ze ves meystres 36 hedyr vywy hag harluzes

37 cas o ganso re nofferen 38 curtes yw ha deboner 39 zys dregyn ny wra

40 mar an kefyz in danger 41 sense fast indella

Kernewek Kemmyn

1 Golsow ty goweth 2 Byth na borth meth 3 Diyskynn ha powes 4 Ha dhymmo deus nes

5 Mar kodhes dha les 6 Ha dhis a rov mowes 7 Ha fest onan deg 8 Genez mara pleg 9 A tann hi 10 Kemmer hi dhe'th wreg 11 Skonye dhis ny veg 12 Ha ty a fydh hi 13 Hi a vydh gwrekti dha 14 Dhis dhe synsi chi 15 Pur wir a lavarav 16 ha govynn orti 17 Lemmyn y'th torn my a's re 18 Ha war an grez my a'n te 19 Nag eus hy far 20 A'n barth ma dhe bons Tamar 21 My a'th pyz orti bydh da 22 Hag oll dha vodh hi a wra 23 Rag flogh yw ha gensi soth 24 ha gaz hy dhe gavoez hy bodh 25 Kyn ez moz dhymmo ymmewgh 26 Ewgh alemma ha fistenewgh 27 Dalleth a_varr yn freth darwar 28 Own ma borthho 29 Ev omsettye orthis zy 30 kamm na vedho 31 Mara'th ergh dhis gul neb tra 32 Lavar dhiso byth ny vynnav 33 Lavar dhodho gwrav mar mynnydh 34 Awoz a allo ny wra travyth 35 Y'n eur na y'th syns dhe voz mestres 36 Hedra vywi hag arlodhes 37 Kas o ganso re'n Oferenn 38 Kortez yw ha deboner 39 Dhis dregynn ny wra 40 Mara'n kevydh yn danjer 41 Syns ev fast yndella

  1. Translation

1 Listen friend, 2 Do not be shy! 3 Come down and rest 4 and come closer to me 5 if you know what is to your advantage, 6 and I will give you a girl, 7 one who is very beautiful. 8 If you like her, 9 go and get her; 10 take her for your wife. 11 She will not murmur to refuse you 12 and you will have her 13 She will be a good wife 14 to keep house for you. 15 I tell you the complete truth. 16 Go and ask her 17 Now I give her into your hand 18 and on the Creed I swear 19 there is not her equal 20 from here to the Tamar Bridge. 21 I beg you to be good to her 22 and she will all you want, 23 for she is a child and truthful withal. 24 Go and let her have her own way. 25 Before going, 25a have a kiss for me! 26 Go away and be quick! 27 Begin promptly, eagerly. Take care 28 to make him nervous 29 so that he dare not 30 oppose you at all. 31 If he bids you do something, 32 say to yourself, "I never will." 33 Say to him "I will do it if you wish." 34 For all he can, he will do nothing. 35 Then he will esteem you as Mistress 36 and Lady as long as you live. 37 He was troubled, by the Mass. 38 Courteous and kind is he 39 He will not do you any harm 40 If you (can) enthral him 41 hold him tightly so!

  1. (end)

Mount Calvary -- The Passion Poem -- Pascon agan Arluth

Pascon agan Arluth ('The Passion of our Lord'), a poem of 259 eight-line verses probably composed around 1375, is one of the earliest surviving works of Cornish literature. Five manuscripts are known to exist, the earliest being 15th century.[2]

Cornish with manuscript references

mcms001.1 tays ha mab han speris sans mcms001.2 wy abys a levn golon mcms001.3 re wronte 3eugh gras ha whans mcms001.4 3e wolsowas y basconn mcms001.5 ha 3ymmo gras ha skyans mcms001.6 the 3erevas par lauarow mcms001.7 may fo 3e thu 3e worthyans mcms001.8 ha sylwans 3en enevow

mcms002.1 suel a vynno bos sylwys mcms002.2 golsowens ow lauarow mcms002.3 a ihesu del ve helheys mcms002.4 war an bys avel carow mcms002.5 ragon menough rebekis mcms002.6 ha dyspresijs yn harow mcms002.7 yn growys gans kentrow fastis mcms002.8 peynys bys pan ve marow

mcms003.1 du sur dre virtu an tas mcms003.2 3ynny a 3yttyas gweras mcms003.3 en mab dre y skyans bras mcms003.4 pan gemert kyg a werhas mcms003.5 han sperys sans leun a ras mcms003.6 dre y 3adder may fe guris mcms003.7 go3aff paynys pan vynnas mcms003.8 neb na ylly gull peghes

mcms004.1 an dus vas a 3eserya mcms004.2 3e3e gulas nef o kyllys mcms004.3 gans aga garm hag olua mcms004.4 ihesus crist a ve mevijs mcms004.5 may fynnas dijskynna mcms004.6 yn gwerhas ha bos genys mcms004.7 gans y gyk agan perna mcms004.8 arluth du gwyn agan bys

mcms005.1 ihesu crist mur gerense mcms005.2 3e vab den a 3yswe3as mcms005.3 an vghelder may 3ese mcms005.4 3en bys pan deyskynnas mcms005.5 pehadoryon rag perna mcms005.6 o desevijs dre satnas mcms005.7 rag henna gor3yn neffra mcms005.8 ihesus neb agan pernas

mcms006.1 a(n) peynys a wotheuys mcms006.2 ny ve ragtho y honan mcms006.3 lemmyn rag pobyll an bys mcms006.4 pan vons y kefis mar wan mcms006.5 an ioull 3e adam kewsys mcms006.6 an aval te kemer tam mcms006.7 a well du y fethyth gurys mcms006.8 pan yn provas nyn io mam

mcms007.1 war lyrgh mab den 3e begha mcms007.2 reson prag y fe prynnys mcms007.3 yw ihesus crist 3e ord(na) mcms007.4 yn neff y vonas tregys mcms007.5 y vos kyllys ny vynna mcms007.6 y doull ganso o tewlys mcms007.7 rag henna 3e bob dy3gthtya mcms007.8 forth a rug the vos sylwys

mcms008.1 kyn na goff den skentyll pur mcms008.2 par del won lauaraff 3ys mcms008.3 yn tre du ha pehadur mcms008.4 acord del ve kemerys mcms008.5 rag bonas gonn pegh mar vur mcms008.6 mayn yn tre3e a ve gurys mcms008.7 eff o crist a theth dhen leur mcms008.8 mab du ha den yw kyffris

mcms009.1 ragon y pesys y das mcms009.2 oll y sor may fe gevys mcms009.3 gans y gorff dre beynys bras mcms009.4 agan pegh may fo prennys mcms009.5 mab marea leun a ras mcms009.6 oll y voth a ve clewys mcms009.7 ha kemmys a theseryas mcms009.8 3o3o eff a ve grontis

mcms010.1 i vam pan yn drehevys mcms010.2 hay vos deue3is 3e oys mcms010.3 gull penans ef a pesys mcms010.4 henna ganso nyn io poys mcms010.5 (d)evguans dyth ow penys mcms010.6 y speynas y gyk hay woys mcms010.7 ha woteweth rag densys mcms010.8 eff an geue awell boys

mcms011.1 han ioull henna pan glewas mcms011.2 y demptye a brederys mcms011.3 ha 3o3o y tysque3as mcms011.4 cals meyn hay leuerys mcms011.5 mars sos mab du leun a ras mcms011.6 an veyn ma gura bara 3is mcms011.7 ihesus crist par del vynnas mcms011.8 3o3o ef a worthebys

mcms012.1 mab den heb ken ys bara mcms012.2 nyn geuas ol y vewnans mcms012.3 lemmen yn lauarow da mcms012.4 a the 3e worth an dremas mcms012.5 dre wor3yp crist yn urna mcms012.6 lemmyn ny a yll gwelas mcms012.7 lauar du maga del wra mcms012.8 neb a vynno y glewas

mcms013.1 gans gloteny ef pan welas mcms013.2 cam na ylly y dolla mcms013.3 en tebell el a vynnas mcms013.4 yn ken maner y demptye mcms013.5 war penakyll yn goras mcms013.6 dyantell 3e ese3a mcms013.7 a vgh eglos tek yn wlas mcms013.8 an yset(h)va y 3esa

mcms014.1 an ioul 3e grist a gewsys mcms014.2 yn delma rag y demptya mcms014.3 a hanas y the scrifys mcms014.4 bos eleth worth 3e wy3e mcms014.5 rag own yw 3om desevys mcms014.6 3e droys worth meyn 3e dochye mcms014.7 mar sos mab du a vur brys mcms014.8 dijskyn ha 3en dor ke

mcms015.1 ihesus crist a leueris mcms015.2 3e thu ny goth thys temptye mcms015.3 yn neb ehan a seruys mcms015.4 lemmyn prest y honore mcms015.5 ha whath an ioul a dewlys mcms015.6 towll ken maner mar calle mcms015.7 dre neb forth a govaytis mcms015.8 gu3yll 3y gowsys tryle

mcms016.1 a lene yn hombronkyas mcms016.2 vghell war ben vn meneth mcms016.3 ha 3o3o y tysquethas mcms016.4 owr hag arghans gwels ha gweth mcms016.5 ha kymmys yn bys vs vas mcms016.6 yn meth an ioul te a feth mcms016.7 ha me ad wra arluth bras mcms016.8 ow honore mar mynnyth

mcms017.1 ihesus crist a leueris mcms017.2 y vos scryfys yn lyffrow mcms017.3 yn pub gwythres ycoth thys mcms017.4 gor3ye 3e 3u hay hanow mcms017.5 ke 3e ves omscumvnys mcms017.6 3e 3yveyth veth yn tewolgow mcms017.7 the vestry a vyth le3ys mcms017.8 neffre war an enevow

mcms018.1 an ioul a trylyas sperys mcms018.2 hag eth 3y tyller tythy mcms018.3 tergweyth y fe convyctijs mcms018.4 evn yw 3yn y voleythy mcms018.5 3e ihesu may fons parys mcms018.6 3y gomfortye yredy mcms018.7 an neff y fe danvenys mcms018.8 3e worth an tas eleth dy

mcms019.1 ha satnas gans y antell mcms019.2 hay scherewneth hay goyntis mcms019.3 crist mab an arluth vghell mcms019.4 y demptye pan prederis mcms019.5 besy yw 3y3 bos vuell mcms019.6 ha seruabyll yth seruys mcms019.7 manno allo an tebell mcms019.8 ogas 3ys bonas trylys

mcms020.1 rag y hyller ervyre mcms020.2 hay welas yn suredy mcms020.3 y vos prest worth 3e vetye mcms020.4 3e veth 3ys ha belyny mcms020.5 te na yllyth omwe3e mcms020.6 vn pres yn geyth na peghy mcms020.7 pan omsettyas 3e demptye mcms020.8 gu3yll pegh neb na ylly

mcms021.1 del yw scrifys prest yma mcms021.2 adro 3ynny ganso try mcms021.3 mara kyll 3e worth an da mcms021.4 3e we3yll drok agan dry mcms021.5 folle yn ta y whela mcms021.6 ys del wra lyon y pray mcms021.7 drey den yn peyn a calla mcms021.8 neffre ny vnsa moy ioy

mcms022.1 gans ioul kyn fy temptijs mcms022.2 ano3o na ro dymme mcms022.3 rag comfort yw henna 3ys mcms022.4 scrifys yw yn leas le mcms022.5 yt allos y vos gorrys mcms022.6 kyffris seuell ha cothe mcms022.7 ha ganso kynfes tewlys mcms022.8 te a yll seuell arte

mcms023.1 ihesu crist yn pow a dro mcms023.2 pub eroll pregoth a wre mcms023.3 han virtu an pregoth o mcms023.4 mab den 3e ase peghe mcms023.5 ha gevys may fe 3o3o mcms023.6 kyffrys y begh hay fyltye mcms023.7 degis na ve 3e worto mcms023.8 gulas nef (h)a roys 3e gen re

mcms024.1 benegas yw neb a gar mcms024.2 du dris pub tra vs yn bys mcms024.3 hag a wo3affo yn whar mcms024.4 3o3o kymmys vs ordnys mcms024.5 bo clevas bo peth kescar mcms024.6 po dre breson presonys mcms024.7 ol en da han drok kepar mcms024.8 3e ihesu be3ens grassys

mcms025.1 ihesu crist yn pow may the mcms025.2 ef a sawye an glevyon mcms025.3 dal na bo3ar ny ase mcms025.4 nag omlanar na gonon mcms025.5 na claff vyth ow crowethe mcms025.6 mar pesy a leun golon mcms025.7 whare sawijs y fe3e mcms025.8 del vynna crist y honon

mcms026.1 pan welas en ethewon mcms026.2 bos crist au cuthyll meystry mcms026.3 ow care e3omogyon mcms026.4 hag a ne3e na wre vry mcms026.5 rag henna an vuscogyon mcms026.6 orto a bor3as avy mcms026.7 dre vraster bras yn golon mcms026.8 y chungfyons y 3estrewy

mcms027.1 dewsull blegyow pan ese mcms027.2 yn mysc y abestely mcms027.3 y wreg 3e re a ne3e mcms027.4 mos 3en dre ha degylmy mcms027.5 an asen ha dry ganse mcms027.6 ha leuerell yredy mcms027.7 mar teffa tus ha gwe3e mcms027.8 bos 3e 3u 3e wull gynsy

mcms028.1 del yrghys ihesus 3e3e mcms028.2 y a rug a 3esympys mcms028.3 ol y voth ef del vynne mcms028.4 an asen a ve kerghys mcms028.5 war ne3y rag ese3e mcms028.6 dyllas pan a ve gorrys mcms028.7 rag morogeth a vynne mcms028.8 3en cyte 3e vos gorthijs

mcms029.1 mur a dus ha benenas mcms029.2 a ierusalem yn dre mcms029.3 erbyn crist rag y welas mcms029.4 y eth ha rag y wor3ye mcms029.5 war an fordh dyllas a les mcms029.6 a ve gurris 3e ragthe mcms029.7 palm ha floris kekyffris mcms029.8 er y byn degis a ve

mcms030.1 i helwys a leun golon mcms030.2 gans mur ioy ha lowene mcms030.3 yn hanow du yn tre3on mcms030.4 benegas yw neb a the mcms030.5 crist a gafas gorkorian mcms030.6 yn templys a berth yn dre mcms030.7 ef a rug 3e3e yn scon mcms030.8 monas yn mes a lene

mcms031.1 en scherewys a sorras mcms031.2 rag bonas crist honoris mcms031.3 ha bos y ober mar vras mcms031.4 ha dris an bys ol notijs mcms031.5 grussons cusyll na go vas mcms031.6 rag may fo ihesus dyswris mcms031.7 ha kymmys y an cablas mcms031.8 may fe an dre (crehe)lys

mcms032.1 en gusyl o may fe dris mcms032.2 3e rag crist pehadur(es) mcms032.3 ol 3y voth may rollo bres mcms032.4 a ne3y del ve 3e gres mcms032.5 rag an lahys 3ynny es mcms032.6 a vyn y dampnye porres mcms032.7 ym me3ens y forth nyn ges mcms032.8 may hallo bos deflam guris

mcms033.1 then tyller crist re dethye mcms033.2 han e3ewon o dygnas mcms033.3 i 3esa an venyn ganse mcms033.4 paris ens 3y huhu3as mcms033.5 hedre vons y ov plentye mcms033.6 ihesus yn dour a scryfas mcms033.7 ha dre virtu an scrife mcms033.8 peb 3e ves a omdennas

mcms034.1 pan e3ons oll 3e wary mcms034.2 ancombrys y rebea mcms034.3 pema yn meth crist 3y3y mcms034.4 neb a vyn 3e guhu3a mcms034.5 denvyth nyn ges yn me3y mcms034.6 ihesus a gewsys arta mcms034.7 me nyth dampnyaf yredy mcms034.8 ha na wra na moy pegha

mcms035.1 benyn dyr vur cheryte mcms035.2 y box ryche leun a yly mcms035.3 a vgh crist rag y vntye mcms035.4 hy a vynnas y derry mcms035.5 corf ihesus rag comfortye mcms035.6 gures pur sur o yredy mcms035.7 iudas scharyoth ascable mcms035.8 ha gans mur a falsury

mcms036.1 iudas fals a leuerys mcms036.2 trehans dynar a vone mcms036.3 en box oll be3ens gwerthys mcms036.4 a vos den rag y ranne mcms036.5 the vohosogyon yn bys mcms036.6 gwel vya ys y scolye mcms036.7 ihesus crist a worthebys mcms036.8 y gowsys ef a wo3ye

mcms037.1 na thegough sor yn golon mcms037.2 war neb a vyn ow sawye mcms037.3 ow thermyn a the yn scon mcms037.4 genough me nvm byth trege mcms037.5 wy a gyff bohosogyon mcms037.6 pub er warnough ow carme mcms037.7 pan vynnough agis honon mcms037.8 wy a yll gull da 3e3e

mcms038.1 wh(are) y s(or)ras iudas mcms038.2 ny gewsy dre geryte mcms038.3 (lemen) rag cafos ran vras mcms038.4 an pencon mar a calle mcms038.5 eff (o) harlot tebel was mcms038.6 woteweth lader vye mcms038.7 3en e3ewon y ponyas mcms038.8 crist y arluth rag gwer3e

mcms039.1 eff a leveris 3e3e mcms039.2 pyth a vynnough why 3e ry mcms039.3 ha me a ra 3eugh spedye mcms039.4 ow cafos crist yredy mcms039.5 yfons vnver yn tre3e mcms039.6 kepar ha del wovyny mcms039.7 xxx (leg. dek warn ugens) a vone mcms039.8 yn vn payment y wrens ry

mcms040.1 arte iudas ow tryle mcms040.2 gwan wecor nyn geve par mcms040.3 ny yl den vyth amontye mcms040.4 myns a gollas yn chyffar mcms040.5 worth ihesus ef a fecle mcms040.6 kepar ha pan ve hegar mcms040.7 yn deweth ny accordye mcms040.8 y golon gans y lauar

mcms041.1 gans iudas del o tewlys mcms041.2 drey ihesus sur del vynne mcms041.3 gans crist y tho cowethys mcms041.4 byth nyn gens y cowe3e mcms041.5 en gyth o deyow hablys mcms041.6 may fenne ihesus sopye mcms041.7 gans an re yn y seruys mcms041.8 war an bys re3ewesse

mcms042.1 dew 3en crist a 3anvonas mcms042.2 3e berna boys ha dewas mcms042.3 an keth rena a spedyas mcms042.4 han soper a ve paris mcms042.5 crist worth an goyn a warnyas mcms042.6 dre onan bos treson guris mcms042.7 arluth du y a armas mcms042.8 pv a yl henna bonas

mcms043.1 ihesus crist a worthebys mcms043.2 ow tybbry genen yma mcms043.3 pub onan ol a ylwys mcms043.4 arluth du yv me hena mcms043.5 ha ihesus a wor3ebys mcms043.6 am scudel dybbry a wra mcms043.7 gwef vyth pan veva genys mcms043.8 a dor y vam 3en bysma

mcms044.1 du a sonas an bara mcms044.2 3e rag y abestely mcms044.3 ow horf a ve yw henma mcms044.4 yn meth crist sur ragough wy mcms044.5 pernys a berth yn bysma mcms044.6 dyspresys haneth a vyth mcms044.7 an deppro gans cregyans da mcms044.8 gober tek eff an geuyth

mcms045.1 han gwyn esa war en foys mcms045.2 ef a rannas yn tre3a mcms045.3 yn meth crist hema yw goys mcms045.4 evough why par cheryta mcms045.5 gans dour gorris yn ba3on mcms045.6 y wolhas aga garrow mcms045.7 hysseas ys guregh pur wyn mcms045.8 dell vynna du caradow

mcms046.1 henna pedyr a sconyas mcms046.2 ihesus 3e wolhy y dreys mcms046.3 taw pedyr te ny wo3as mcms046.4 yn meth crist pan dra raf 3ys mcms046.5 mar nyth wolhaff dre ow gras mcms046.6 yn nef ny ve3yth tregis mcms046.7 ynmeth pedyr 3ym na as mcms046.8 troys na leyff vo golhys

mcms047.1 ihesus crist leun a bete mcms047.2 a leueris 3en dow3ek mcms047.3 wy yv glan a bup fylte mcms047.4 mas nyn iough ol da na whek mcms047.5 bos iudas ef a wo3ye mcms047.6 pur hager ha molo3ek mcms047.7 an ioul ynno re drecse mcms047.8 may 3o gweth agis cronek

mcms048.1 in delma crist pan wresse mcms048.2 3e iudas y leueris mcms048.3 te ke yn vn fystene mcms048.4 3e voth may fo colenwys mcms048.5 rag an termyn re deve mcms048.6 may fyth an begel kyllys mcms048.7 ha chechys yn tre dewle mcms048.8 han deves 3e ves fijs

mcms049.1 kyn fallens ol me a veth mcms049.2 yn meth pedyr yth seruys mcms049.3 yn meth crist yn nos haneth mcms049.4 kyns ys boys colyek clewys mcms049.5 pedyr te am nagh tergweth mcms049.6 bythqueth arluth na vef 3ys mcms049.7 yn meth pedyr tan ow feth mcms049.8 nyth nahaff kyn fen le3ys

mcms050.1 in meth crist a ban rug 3eugh mcms050.2 ternoth fernoth ow holye mcms050.3 daver vyth wy ny 3ecsyugh mcms050.4 3e worre trevyth ynne mcms050.5 betegyns wy ny wo3ough mcms050.6 pan dra e3om agan be mcms050.7 arluth guyr aleuersough mcms050.8 y a gowsys yn tre3e

mcms051.1 mas lemmyn rys yv porris mcms051.2 batayles kyns ys coske mcms051.3 an geffo pows as gwyr3yns mcms051.4 ha 3o3o pernas cle3e mcms051.5 sur yma dew 3yn parys mcms051.6 y a leueris whare mcms051.7 hen yw lour na moy ny rys mcms051.8 du a leueris arte

mcms052.1 mab marya leun a ras mcms052.2 3en meneth olyff y 3eth mcms052.3 hay 3yscyplys an sewyas mcms052.4 yn meth crist yn nos haneth mcms052.5 golyough ha pesough ow 3as mcms052.6 may hallough mos 3y aseth mcms052.7 na ve3ough temtijs dygnas mcms052.8 gans gow ha gans scherewneth

mcms053.1 pedyr androw ha Iowan mcms053.2 yn meth crist deugh holyough ve mcms053.3 bys yn meneth ha me gwan mcms053.4 trystyns vs worth ow blu3ye mcms053.5 3e worte vn lam beghan mcms053.6 y 3eth pesy may halle mcms053.7 3y 3as yn weth vgy a van mcms053.8 hag ef rag own ow crenne

mcms054.1 mab marya mur a beyn mcms054.2 a wo3evy yn vrna mcms054.3 rag ef a wo3ya yn feyn mcms054.4 han kyg ny vynna henna mcms054.5 mes y 3en3ys o mar feyn mcms054.6 pub vr an trylya 3e3a mcms054.7 may 3eth war ben y 3ewleyn mcms054.8 ha pesy yn ketelma

mcms055.1 mara sew 3e voth ow 3as mcms055.2 gura 3en payn ma ow gasa mcms055.3 mes be3ens guris 3e vynnas mcms055.4 arluth du 3e voth del ve mcms055.5 3y 3yscyplys y trylyas mcms055.6 yscafas ol ow coske mcms055.7 ynmeth crist vn pols golyas mcms055.8 ny yllough 3 um comfortye

mcms056.1 ena crist sur as gasas mcms056.2 hag eth arta 3e besy mcms056.3 war ben gleyn 3e worth y das mcms056.4 del lauarsa ragon ny mcms056.5 y beynys o cref ha bras mcms056.6 warno3o heb y dylly mcms056.7 reson o rag ol an wlas mcms056.8 ef a wo3ye y verwy

mcms057.1 in meth crist o du ha den mcms057.2 arte 3y abestely mcms057.3 golyough ha pesough yn ven mcms057.4 rag own an ioul hay vestry mcms057.5 tresse gwyth hag ef yn cren mcms057.6 y pesys du delyr vy mcms057.7 arluth mar ny yl bos ken mcms057.8 be3ens kepar del vynny

mcms058.1 ihesus crist dygonfortys mcms058.2 war ben dewlyn pan ese mcms058.3 an nef y fe danuenys mcms058.4 el 3o3o 3y gomfortye mcms058.5 mab du o kymmys grevijs mcms058.6 rag tomder ef a wese mcms058.7 dowr ha goys yn kemyskys mcms058.8 weys crist rag 3e gerense

mcms059.1 cryst kymmys payn yn geve mcms059.2 angus tyn ha galarow mcms059.3 mateth angoys ha dropye mcms059.4 war y fas an caradow mcms059.5 den vyth ny yl amontye mcms059.6 na leuerell war anow mcms059.7 oll myns peynys an geve mcms059.8 kyns ys y vonas marow

mcms060.1 lemmyn ny a yl gwelas mcms060.2 hag ervyre fest yn ta mcms060.3 cryst 3e wo3aff dre 3ensys mcms060.4 mur a benans yn bysma mcms060.5 ef ny ylly dre 3ewsys mcms060.6 go3aff na nyll drok na da mcms060.7 rag mester o war an bys mcms060.8 hag ol myns vs ef a ra

mcms061.1 pan o y besadow guris mcms061.2 3en dow3ek y leuerys mcms061.3 koscough lemmyn mar sew prys mcms061.4 powesough wy yv grevijs mcms061.5 tus vs 3ym ow tevones mcms061.6 yv gans ow thraytor dyskis mcms061.7 fatel dons thov hemeres mcms061.8 ha del ve3aff hombronkis

mcms062.1 kepar du del leuerys mcms062.2 pan esa crist ow pesy mcms062.3 iudas eth yn y negis mcms062.4 en ioul yv en hombronky mcms062.5 3en e3ewan dyrryvys mcms062.6 del o y fynas synsy mcms062.7 syndis ve dre govaytis mcms062.8 yn della yw leas huny

mcms063.1 then e3ewon pan do3ye mcms063.2 y leuerys hag y ow tos mcms063.3 me a gris yn ta spedye mcms063.4 om negis haneth yn nos mcms063.5 deugh geneff ha holyough ve mcms063.6 gothve3ough na rellough tros mcms063.7 ha me a ra the crist amme mcms063.8 may hallough y asswonvos

mcms064.1 an princis esa yn pow mcms064.2 gans iudas a thanvonas mcms064.3 tus ven gweskis yn arvow mcms064.4 kepar ha del ens 3en gas mcms064.5 ganse y a thuk golow mcms064.6 nos o ny welons yn fas mcms064.7 bys yn ihesus caradow mcms064.8 y eth del dyskas iudas

mcms065.1 pan do3yans bys yn tyller mcms065.2 may 3ese crist ow pesy mcms065.3 lowene 3ys a vester mcms065.4 yn meth iudas an brathky mcms065.5 3o3o y rug fekyl cher mcms065.6 hag y amme trewesy mcms065.7 ef a vynne yn ober mcms065.8 gul ken ys del dywy3y

mcms066.1 ihesus a gewsis pur dek mcms066.2 iudas ow ry ty avyn mcms066.3 dre 3e vay a reyth mar whek mcms066.4 3e neb am tormont mar dyn mcms066.5 moll(o)3 den ha gour ha gwrek mcms066.6 a 3e poran er3ebyn mcms066.7 peynys ad wra more3ek mcms066.8 yn yffarn down pub termyn

mcms067.1 ihesus crist a wovynnys mcms067.2 worth anbobyll a 3eth dy mcms067.3 gans an fals yn y seruys mcms067.4 pandra yw a vynnough wy mcms067.5 en rena a wor3ebys mcms067.6 ihesus yw an caffans ny mcms067.7 en arluth a wor3ebys mcms067.8 me yw henna yredy

mcms068.1 pur wyr drefen an virtu mcms068.2 an lauar crist pan gowsas mcms068.3 neb a wheleugh why me yw mcms068.4 3e ves y a omdennas mcms068.5 rag own y a gangyes lyw mcms068.6 rag gwander y a go3as mcms068.7 yn trevyth y nyn gens gyw mcms068.8 3e we3yll dris y vynnas

mcms069.1 cryst a wovynys arte mcms069.2 orth an e3ewon woky mcms069.3 agis negis pyth ywe mcms069.4 pv yw neb a weleugh wy mcms069.5 ihesus crist an na3are mcms069.6 an rena a wor3eby mcms069.7 yn meth ihesus me ywe mcms069.8 lemmyn gureugh agis meystry

mcms070.1 whare y an kemeres mcms070.2 hag an sensys yn tre3e mcms070.3 gans lauarow an scornyas mcms070.4 gallus o grontis 3e3e mcms070.5 3e we3yll aga mynnas mcms070.6 yn della ef a vynne mcms070.7 may halle dre baynys bras mcms070.8 merwel rag 3e geren3e

mcms071.1 pedyr an neyl tenewen mcms071.2 yn mes a dennas cle3e mcms071.3 hag a drohas ryb an pen mcms071.4 scovern onan ane3e mcms071.5 crist a settyas yn tyen mcms071.6 an scovern arte 3e dre mcms071.7 hag an dy3gthtyas pur lowen mcms071.8 maga tek del rebye

mcms072.1 gor 3e gle3e yn y goyn mcms072.2 3e pedyr crist a yrghys mcms072.3 rag dre gle3e a veughe mcms072.4 dre gle3e yfyth le3ys mcms072.5 dew3ek lygyon yn vn ro mcms072.6 vye an nef danuenys mcms072.7 ha moy a mynnen 3ymmo mcms072.8 pesy ow 3as pur barys

mcms073.1 hag a pe yn della ve mcms073.2 neffre ny vean fethys mcms073.3 yn vrna fatell vye mcms073.4 am bewnans del yw scrifys mcms073.5 yn lyffrow yn leas le mcms073.6 dre brofusy leuerys mcms073.7 reys yw porris heb strevye mcms073.8 both ow 3as 3e vos sewijs

mcms074.1 ihesus a gewsys arte mcms074.2 why a theth 3ym yn arvow mcms074.3 dre dreyson yn un scolchye mcms074.4 gans boclers ha cle3y3yow mcms074.5 thom kemeres 3om syndye mcms074.6 3om peynye bys yn crow mcms074.7 kepar ha del vena ve mcms074.8 an purra lader yn pow

mcms075.1 in agis mysk pan esen mcms075.2 la(h)ys du 3eugh ow tysky mcms075.3 gallus nyn gese kemmen mcms075.4 3om cara na 3om sensy mcms075.5 lemmyn deve ken termyn mcms075.6 ow thas rom growntyas 3ewy mcms075.7 leun a beghas ny won ken mcms075.8 3e we3yll agis meystry

mcms076.1 in vrna y a colmas mcms076.2 y 3efregh fast gans cronow mcms076.3 en goys yn mes may tar3as mcms076.4 del fastsens en colmennow mcms076.5 gansa y an hombronkyas mcms076.6 yn prys hanter nos heb wow mcms076.7 bys yn aga fryns annas mcms076.8 o vn iucter bras yn pow

mcms077.1 tus crist 3e ves a fyas mcms077.2 pep aydu pur vore3ek mcms077.3 saw pedyr crist a holyas mcms077.4 abell avel vn ownek mcms077.5 3e dyller an prins annas mcms077.6 ene y 3ese sethek mcms077.7 orto ef y a sethas mcms077.8 may clewo leff ihesus whek

mcms078.1 en prins scon a leueris mcms078.2 te crist lauar 3ym plema mcms078.3 3e dus mar voldh re 3yssys mcms078.4 prag na 3ons genas omma mcms078.5 an la(h)ys a bregowthys mcms078.6 lemmyn dyswe mar syns da mcms078.7 ha ihesus a wor3ebys mcms078.8 ef dell vynna yn vrna

mcms079.1 pur apert hag yn golow mcms079.2 y leueris ow dyskas mcms079.3 ow la(h)ys haw lauarow mcms079.4 suel a vynna y clewas mcms079.5 yn le may then yn trevow mcms079.6 yn splan me as derevas mcms079.7 ny gowsyn yn tewolgow mcms079.8 a dryff tus yn vn hanas

mcms080.1 pan dra a woventa se mcms080.2 3e wor3aff ve ham la(h)ys mcms080.3 mar a mynnyth govynny mcms080.4 ordh en keth re as clewas mcms080.5 an rena a yl 3e 3ysky mcms080.6 yn della y re 3yskas mcms080.7 yn delma heb velyny mcms080.8 orto ihesus a gowsas

mcms081.1 gans henna an e3ewon mcms081.2 onan yn ban a sevys mcms081.3 hag a ros ryb an scovern mcms081.4 box 3e grist a 3esympys mcms081.5 ha dhe ihesus y honon mcms081.6 an harlot a leuerys mcms081.7 pu a woras yt colon mcms081.8 cows yn delma worth iustis

mcms082.1 in meth ihesus yn vrna mcms082.2 mara kewsys falsury mcms082.3 ha na blek genas henna mcms082.4 ha fals te dok dustuny mcms082.5 mes mara kewsys yn ta mcms082.6 han gwreoneth y synsy mcms082.7 prag omgwysketh yn delma mcms082.8 nyn gyw mernas belyny

mcms083.1 ena mur a vylyny mcms083.2 pedyr 3e gryst a welas mcms083.3 y scornye hay voxscusy mcms083.4 trewe yn y 3ewlagas mcms083.5 hag ef rag own ny ylly mcms083.6 gans ihesu kewsel ger vas mcms083.7 henna o poynt a falsury mcms083.8 de3ewys heb koweras

mcms084.1 vn venyn hardh a ynnyas mcms084.2 war pedyr y vos tregis mcms084.3 gans ihesus ef a naghas mcms084.4 y arluth a 3esympys mcms084.5 taw gans crist me ad welas mcms084.6 gurek arall a leueris mcms084.7 pedyr arta agowsas mcms084.8 bythqueth me nyn aswonys

mcms085.1 mur a dus a leuerys mcms085.2 ny dayl 3ys cam y naghe mcms085.3 dre 3e gows y 3ew prevys mcms085.4 3e vos den a galyle mcms085.5 ef a doys a 3esempys mcms085.6 maga town ty del wo3ye mcms085.7 gans crist na vye tregis mcms085.8 na bythqueth ef nan quelse

mcms086.1 gans hemma ef a clewas mcms086.2 en colyek scon ow cane mcms086.3 ha crist worto a wetras mcms086.4 an peynys bras may 3ese mcms086.5 pedyr sur a omdennas mcms086.6 yn vrna del rebeghse mcms086.7 ow nagha du leun a ras mcms086.8 hag ef gwarnyys del vye

mcms087.1 whare yn-mes y trylyas mcms087.2 hay golon nam na dorre mcms087.3 rag y arluth leun a ras mcms087.4 mar 3ynas ef 3y nahe mcms087.5 dybbry boys ef ny vynnas mcms087.6 lymmyn pub erol ole mcms087.7 3o3o bys pan danvonas mcms087.8 crist y to 3e galyle

mcms088.1 ihesus a ve danvenys mcms088.2 ha 3e worth an prins annas mcms088.3 gans tus ven a 3esempys mcms088.4 bys an ebscop cayphas mcms088.5 dre3o crist may fe bresys mcms088.6 ol 3y voth ha 3y vynnas mcms088.7 mur a dus o cuntullys mcms088.8 er ybyn 3y guhu3as

mcms089.1 rag y vos war bronteryon mcms089.2 mester bras a berth yn wlas mcms089.3 gurris ve yn y golon mcms089.4 yn delma gul may cowsas mcms089.5 rys yw porris 3e onon mcms089.6 merwel rag pobyl an wlas mcms089.7 pobyl ihesus y honon mcms089.8 na vons tregis gans satnas

mcms090.1 en e3ewon yn tre3e mcms090.2 a whelas dustuneow mcms090.3 rag peyne crist ha syndye mcms090.4 ny gewsys 3e blegadow mcms090.5 saw war thu y a vynne mcms090.6 dre envy leuerell gow mcms090.7 a dus fals y redo3ye mcms090.8 an purre laddron yn pow

mcms091.1 ha dew a thuk dustuny mcms091.2 yn clewsons ow leuerell mcms091.3 pur wyr y fenne terry mcms091.4 an tempel cref hay wu3ell mcms091.5 war lyrgh henna dre vestry mcms091.6 yn tressa dyth heb fyllell mcms091.7 dre nerth bras yn drehevy mcms091.8 bytqueth ef na vye gwell

mcms092.1 neb o mester ha iustis mcms092.2 worth ihesus ef a gowsas mcms092.3 myns vs omma cuntullys mcms092.4 pur apert y ret flamyas mcms092.5 ha te ger vyth ny gewsys mcms092.6 onweyth lemmyn mar co3as mcms092.7 ol ihesus an go3evys mcms092.8 hay wor3eby ny vynnas

mcms093.1 kayphas arta a gewsys mcms093.2 yn hanow du te lavar mcms093.3 mar sos du del danvansys mcms093.4 me yw yn meth crist yn whar mcms093.5 yn nef y fe3aff tregis mcms093.6 an barth dyghow gans am car mcms093.7 yn sur thu ow tevones mcms093.8 wy am gwylvyth heb neb mar

mcms094.1 kayphas pur wyr a sorras mcms094.2 hag eth pur fol yn vrna mcms094.3 hag a squerdyas y 3yllas mcms094.4 pan gowsas crist yn della mcms094.5 ytterevys dre sor bras mcms094.6 dustuneow drok na da mcms094.7 ny reys 3ynny 3e welas mcms094.8 awos dampnye an denma

mcms095.1 al ow cows why an clewas mcms095.2 leuerough mar pyth sawys mcms095.3 ol warberth y a armas mcms095.4 gweff yw 3e vones le3ys mcms095.5 gans mowys y anscornyas mcms095.6 yn y fase y a drewys mcms095.7 ty yv mab du leun a ras mcms095.8 yn ges y a leuerys

mcms096.1 gans queth y ben y que3ens mcms096.2 guelas banna na ylly mcms096.3 3e ihesus crist betegyns mcms096.4 ow ku3yll drok ha belyny mcms096.5 avel brathken aga dyns mcms096.6 orto y a theskerny mcms096.7 eraga fyn betegyns mcms096.8 crist vn ger ny leuery

mcms097.1 hag y worth y dormontye mcms097.2 y cu3ens y ben gans queth mcms097.3 han dus esa ol yn dre mcms097.4 ha pryncis yn pow yn weth mcms097.5 ha mur a bobyll ganse mcms097.6 a 3yghow sur hag a gleth mcms097.7 the gryst y tons 3y syndye mcms097.8 ha 3e dry 3en dor gans meth

mcms098.1 i eth ha ihesus ganse mcms098.2 bys yn pylat o iustis mcms098.3 a no3o bres may rolle mcms098.4 dre y vres may fo le3ys mcms098.5 lavarsons y heb pyte mcms098.6 agan traytour yw kefys mcms098.7 rys yw 3eso y 3amnye mcms098.8 3en mernans a 3esempys

mcms099.1 in meth pylat pan adra mcms099.2 a ynnyough wy warno3o mcms099.3 na ve bos fals an denma mcms099.4 nyn drossen ny bys deso mcms099.5 y leuerys dre laha mcms099.6 ha why dampnowgha y3o mcms099.7 yn me3ens y ny a wra mcms099.8 dampnye den lader kyn fo

mcms100.1 henna pylat pan welas mcms100.2 kymmys cawsys er y byn mcms100.3 rowtors ha tus kyche yn wlas mcms100.4 resons mar fol ha mar dyn mcms100.5 pylat orto govynnas mcms100.6 yn keth vaner ma govyn mcms100.7 ose mab du leun a ras mcms100.8 lemyn gwyr (te) lauar 3yn

mcms101.1 in meth crist an kveff colon mcms101.2 pur wyr te re leuerys mcms101.3 te a wo3ye 3e honon mcms101.4 pe dre gen re ves guarnys mcms101.5 pylat a gewsys yn scon mcms101.6 te a ve 3ym danvenys mcms101.7 lauar 3ymme 3e honon mcms101.8 pyth yw en drok rewrussys

mcms102.1 in meth ihesus nyn gvgy mcms102.2 ow mesternges yn bysma mcms102.3 hag a pe ow thus 3ewy mcms102.4 nym delyrfsens yn delma mcms102.5 ytho mygtern ote se mcms102.6 yn meth pylat yn erna mcms102.7 gwyr re gwesys yredy mcms102.8 yn meth crist mygtern oma

mcms103.1 henna iudas pan welas mcms103.2 crist an bewnans na sawye mcms103.3 an arghans a gemeras mcms103.4 rag corf crist 3e rysseve mcms103.5 ef astewlys dre sor bras mcms103.6 3en e3ewon yn tre3e mcms103.7 dremas yw ef leun a ras mcms103.8 neb re wer3ys yn me3e

mcms104.1 iudas scaryoth a gewsys mcms104.2 yn keth manerma arte mcms104.3 fest yn creff me re beghas mcms104.4 ihesus 3e wy ow quer3e mcms104.5 da y won y vos a ras mcms104.6 gevyons me nvm byth neffre mcms104.7 moy pegh o pan dyspresyas mcms104.8 ys delo pan yn guer3e

mcms105.1 han e3ewon a gewsys mcms105.2 pan drew henna 3ynny ny mcms105.3 ny an pernas 3e wor3ys mcms105.4 ha ad pes pur yredy mcms105.5 iudas eth a 3ensympys mcms105.6 a neyl tu 3e omgregy mcms105.7 cafas daffar pur parys mcms105.8 lovan cryff rag y sensy

mcms106.1 eneff iudas ny allas mcms106.2 dos yn mes war y anow mcms106.3 rag y anow y ammas mcms106.4 3e ihesu leun a rasow mcms106.5 dywolow yfarn a squerdyas mcms106.6 corf iudas ol 3e 3arnow mcms106.7 hag a notho a gerhas mcms106.8 y eneff 3e dewolgow

mcms107.1 en ethewon dre envy mcms107.2 a gewsys crist rag syndye mcms107.3 pylat iustis otese mcms107.4 ihesus gorweyth y dampnye mcms107.5 a ierusalem thynny mcms107.6 ef a thueth a galyle mcms107.7 la(h)ys nowyth ov tesky mcms107.8 leas ganso ov tryle

mcms108.1 ganse pylat pan glewas mcms108.2 bos ihesus a galyle mcms108.3 bos herodes war an wlas mcms108.4 mygtern pylat a wo3ye mcms108.5 rag henna y tanvonas mcms108.6 crist 3o3o ef mayn dempne mcms108.7 ruth very a dus an sewyas mcms108.8 pub eyr paris 3y vlamye

mcms109.1 i eth bys yn herodes mcms109.2 ha crist ganse fast kylmys mcms109.3 ef a gara crist gwelas mcms109.4 rag kymmys y 3o praysys mcms109.5 ganso mar callo clewas mcms109.6 whelth nowyth a vo coyntis mcms109.7 mar callo trylye 3e hes mcms109.8 lauar crist pan vo clewys

mcms110.1 the herodes y thesa mcms110.2 pur wyr worth pylat sor bras mcms110.3 y welas ef ny gara mcms110.4 na boys yn y gowe3as mcms110.5 3o3o ihesus 3y thampnye mcms110.6 pylat bys pan danvonas mcms110.7 yn vrna keskewe3a mcms110.8 y a ve ha specyall bras

mcms111.1 herodes a wovynnys mcms111.2 orth ihesus crist leas tra mcms111.3 ha trevyth ny wor3ebys mcms111.4 man geve marth a henna mcms111.5 an e3ewon a gewsys mcms111.6 doyn thyn dustuny a wra mcms111.7 mygtern yfyn bos synsys mcms111.8 ha mester bras yn bysma

mcms112.1 kymmys tra a lavarsa mcms112.2 ena y an rebukyas mcms112.3 the rag an try may 3esa mcms112.4 annas pylat ha cay(p)has mcms112.5 pur vylen y an pyltye mcms112.6 hag yn spytis an scornyas mcms112.7 moygha 3o3o drok a wre mcms112.8 henna ve3a an guella gwas

mcms113.1 herodes a leuerys mcms113.2 3en e3ewon eugh yn fen mcms113.3 3e bylat agis iustis mcms113.4 rag me an syns pur 3en len mcms113.5 ha leuerough bos gevys mcms113.6 ol ow sor be3ens lowen mcms113.7 ham gallus y vos grontijs mcms113.8 3o3o 3e urusy an den

mcms114.1 i a wyskis cryst gans gwyn mcms114.2 avel fol y an scornye mcms114.3 hag an gweska fest yn tyn mcms114.4 betegyns ger ny gewsy mcms114.5 hag an hombronkyas bys yn mcms114.6 pylat o iustis 3e3e mcms114.7 may caffons y aga gwayn mcms114.8 war ihesus crist 3y la3e

mcms115.1 then ioul mur neb o tus keth mcms115.2 3e belat a leueris mcms115.3 lowenna gwelha 3e feth mcms115.4 herodes reth tenyrghys mcms115.5 yn y golen fast regeth mcms115.6 mur a gerense wor3ys mcms115.7 hag ef a dalvyth 3is wheth mcms115.8 y honore del wrussys

mcms116.1 ha 3eso y tanvonas mcms116.2 y allus crist rag iudgye mcms116.3 ha ny ad cusyll na as mcms116.4 lemyn y voth heb sewye mcms116.5 yn meth pylat scyle vas mcms116.6 me ny gafe rum lewte mcms116.7 na byth moy ef ny gaffas mcms116.8 prag may fe rys y dampnye

mcms117.1 orth pylat ol y setsans mcms117.2 ha warno3o a rug cry mcms117.3 rag ihesus crist 3en mernans mcms117.4 y a vynne porrys dry mcms117.5 yn meth pylat worth an myns mcms117.6 an pegh peuas ris yv ry mcms117.7 me ny gafa moys kyns mcms117.8 reson gans gwyr 3y vrvsy

mcms118.1 en e3ewon a vynne mcms118.2 porrys y vonas le3ys mcms118.3 reson(s) y a rey ragthe mcms118.4 mes war fals y 3ens growndys mcms118.5 henna pylat a wo3ye mcms118.6 rag henna a 3esympys mcms118.7 bys yn cayphas 3y 3ey yvggye mcms118.8 ef a rug may fe gorrys

mcms119.1 kayphas an droys arte mcms119.2 3e pylat o pen iustis mcms119.3 hag ef eth 3y gusulye mcms119.4 ihesus crist may fe le3ys mcms119.5 en e3ewon a arme mcms119.6 treytour pur y vos keffys mcms119.7 hag ol drok suel awresse mcms119.8 ha gow bras ganso clewys

mcms120.1 in meth pylat marth am bes mcms120.2 kymmes drok a wothevyth mcms120.3 ha te reson vyth a dres mcms120.4 eraga fyn na gewsyth mcms120.5 a na wylta ol myns es mcms120.6 orth 3e vlamye yn soweth mcms120.7 hag ov ry 3ys boxow tres mcms120.8 betegyns te ny sconyth

mcms121.1 in meth pylat me ny won mcms121.2 3en trayteur esa ganso mcms121.3 yn crist cafos byth reson mcms121.4 merwell prag y reys 3o3o mcms121.5 y hylwys en e3ewon mcms121.6 la(h)ys es yn pow a dro mcms121.7 may rys y la3e yn scon mcms121.8 mygtern neb a omwrello

mcms122.1 own boys crist mab du an neff mcms122.2 an tebel el an geve mcms122.3 rag henna scon y 3eth ef mcms122.4 3e wrek pylat may 3e3e mcms122.5 han tebel el hager bref mcms122.6 yn y holon a worre mcms122.7 war y mester venions cref mcms122.8 y to ihesus mar la3e.

mcms123.1 thy gour hy a 3an(v)onas mcms123.2 a crist kepar del welse mcms123.3 yn kerdh delma dre gannas mcms123.4 nyn gew ragos se la3e mcms123.5 cryst yv synsys mur dremas mcms123.6 3e 3evyth a wos plegye mcms123.7 rag haneth me re welas mcms123.8 yto ve(n)ions had la3e

mcms124.1 onon esa yn preson mcms124.2 barabas ytho gylwys mcms124.3 presonys o ef dre dreyson mcms124.4 ha rag den lath kekyffris mcms124.5 maner o 3en e3ewon mcms124.6 war dyth pasch worth an iustis mcms124.7 an preson govyn onon mcms124.8 ha bos henna delyffrys

mcms125.1 pylat a vynsse gwy3e mcms125.2 bewnans ihesus dre goyntis mcms125.3 hag a leuerys 3e3e mcms125.4 yn delma del yw skrifis mcms125.5 lemmyn merough pe nyle mcms125.6 an dus avyth delyffris mcms125.7 po cryst leuerough scyle mcms125.8 po barabas den blamys

mcms126.1 en e3ewon a armas mcms126.2 dre bur envy me a gris mcms126.3 dylyver 3ynny barabas mcms126.4 ha henna ol ny a bys mcms126.5 pylat arte a gowsas mcms126.6 a ihesus pyth a vyth guris mcms126.7 y hawlsons gans golon vras mcms126.8 3en mernans be3ens gurris

mcms127.1 pylat yn ta a wo3ye mcms127.2 y 3e gusel dre envy mcms127.3 rag henna ef a vynse mcms127.4 gwe3e crist heb velyny mcms127.5 hag a leueris 3e3e mcms127.6 mar mynnough me an chasty mcms127.7 ol war barth yny cyte mcms127.8 hag an delyrf 3e wary

mcms128.1 i helwys en e3ewon mcms128.2 be3ens ef yn crows gorris mcms128.3 yn meth pylat me ny won mcms128.4 reson prag y fyt da(m)pnys mcms128.5 y hawlsons gans moy colon mcms128.6 be3ens ef yn crows le3ys mcms128.7 yn meth pylat byth reson mcms128.8 3e la3e nyn ges keffys

mcms129.1 ha pylat 3e war breder mcms129.2 a leueris 3e ihesu mcms129.3 ol an dusma a leuer mcms129.4 3e vos cregis te yw gyw mcms129.5 lauar gwyr 3ymmo vn ger mcms129.6 mar sota mab den ha du mcms129.7 cryst a gewsys dyboner mcms129.8 te a leuerys del yw

mcms130.1 whare y an dystryppyas mcms130.2 mar noyth genys del vye mcms130.3 hag worth post fast an colmas mcms130.4 vnwyth na ylly plynchye mcms130.5 hag ena ij an scorgyas mcms130.6 yn tebel gans ij scorgye mcms130.7 ha hager fest an dygtyas mcms130.8 corf ha pen treys ha dewle

mcms131.1 in scorgijs prenyer esa mcms131.2 yn dewle an ij ethow mcms131.3 hag yn fast kelmys 3e3e mcms131.4 kerdyn gwe3yn mesk cronow mcms131.5 may fons hyblyth 3e gronkye mcms131.6 hag a rag guris colmmenow mcms131.7 gans pub colmen may 3elle mcms131.8 pan wyskens yn-mes an crow

mcms132.1 han 3ewna bys pan vons squyth mcms132.2 war crist y fons ov cronkye mcms132.3 manna geve goth na leyth mcms132.4 na gesa worth y grevye mcms132.5 na war y gorff wek tam vyth mcms132.6 pur wyr henna o mur byte mcms132.7 ha whath moy wy a glewyth mcms132.8 a dormont crist del wharse

mcms133.1 in tre3e avel tus fol mcms133.2 garlont sperne a ve dy3gthtys mcms133.3 ha dre aga husyll ol mcms133.4 war y ben a ve gorris mcms133.5 may 3o squardijs a dro ol mcms133.6 ay ben y oys o scolijs mcms133.7 hag ynno fest luhas tol mcms133.8 gans an dreyn a ve tellys

mcms134.1 gans den scyntyll a wo3ye mcms134.2 me a glewas leuerell mcms134.3 an arlont y 3e denne mcms134.4 war y ben gans kymmys nell mcms134.5 ma teth an dreyn ha cropye mcms134.6 3en nempynnyon dre an tell mcms134.7 henno payn a vur byte mcms134.8 esa crist ow co3evell

mcms135.1 a vyne gwar3e yben mcms135.2 war y gorff bys yn y droys mcms135.3 squardijs oll o y grohen mcms135.4 hag ef cu3ys yn y woys mcms135.5 mur o an payn dar ken mcms135.6 3e vab du mur y alloys mcms135.7 del lever 3yn an levar mcms135.8 kymmys payn ny ve ay oys

mcms136.1 i a wyskis crist gant queth mcms136.2 han purpur rych o dyskis mcms136.3 rag y thry 3en dor gans meth mcms136.4 yn ges y a leueris mcms136.5 mur a onour te afyth mcms136.6 te yw mygtern cvrvnys mcms136.7 hag yn y leff 3yghow yn weth mcms136.8 gwelen wyn a ve gorris

mcms137.1 hag y thens 3e ben dowlyn mcms137.2 hag y kewsens 3e scornye mcms137.3 hag a gamma aga meyn mcms137.4 pub onon rag y eysye mcms137.5 lowene 3ys te yw 3eyn mcms137.6 mygtern rys yw 3e wor3ye mcms137.7 hen o 3o3o mur a bayn mcms137.8 may 3e3ens worth y ranne

mcms138.1 onon gans an keth welen mcms138.2 yn leyff crist a ve gorris mcms138.3 an gwyskis lasche war an pen mcms138.4 bum pur gewar dese3ys mcms138.5 ha buxow leas hep ken mcms138.6 ha tummasow kekyffris mcms138.7 3e gryst a dro 3e 3ewen mcms138.8 gans nerth bras a ve syttis

mcms139.1 colon den a yll crakye mcms139.2 a vynha prest predery mcms139.3 an paynys bras an geve mcms139.4 han dyspyth heb y dylly mcms139.5 hag ol rag 3e gerense mcms139.6 ihesus crist as go3evy mcms139.7 lymmyn gorqvyth y gare mcms139.8 ha gweyth denatar na vy

mcms140.1 pylat eth yn-mes ay hell mcms140.2 yn vn lowarth an gevo mcms140.3 ogas o nyn gesa pell mcms140.4 hag a worras crist ganso mcms140.5 ena worto rag kewsell mcms140.6 queth esa a dro 3o3o mcms140.7 prest an e3ewon debel mcms140.8 3e ihesus esens a dro

mcms141.1 ena pylat a gewsys mcms141.2 yn delma 3en e3ewon mcms141.3 me ny won bonas kyfys mcms141.4 yn denma byth acheson mcms141.5 may rys y vonas le3ys mcms141.6 gothve3ough keteponon mcms141.7 del yw an denma dy3gtis mcms141.8 myrough in agis colon

mcms142.1 pan yn caffsons yn tre3e mcms142.2 ol warbarth y a ylwys mcms142.3 te pylat la3e la3e mcms142.4 mernans an grows desympys mcms142.5 pylat a gewsys arte mcms142.6 dre3ough why be3ens le3ys mcms142.7 rag ynno me ny gaffe mcms142.8 scyle vas may fo dampnys

mcms143.1 an debel dus a gewsys mcms143.2 3ynny sur yma laha mcms143.3 may rys y vonas le3ys mcms143.4 rag mab du ef a omwra mcms143.5 own a gachyas an iustis mcms143.6 pan glewas cows yn della mcms143.7 rag henna a 3esympys mcms143.8 y trylyas thy asethva

mcms144.1 orth crist ef a wovynnys mcms144.2 te 3en able ota gy mcms144.3 3y gows crist ny wor3ebys mcms144.4 ynmeth pylat yredy mcms144.5 gor3eby te ny vynsys mcms144.6 a ny wo3as ow mestry mcms144.7 bos 3ymmo may fes le3ys mcms144.8 bo delyffris 3e wary

mcms145.1 in meth ihesus yn vrna mcms145.2 mestry vyth te ny vea mcms145.3 waraff ve drok vyth na da mcms145.4 ken onan 3ys nan rolla mcms145.5 byth moy ys e3ow yn ta mcms145.6 a beghas orth ov 3rayta mcms145.7 pylat pan glewas henna mcms145.8 a whelas y 3elyffra

mcms146.1 han e3ewon oll a dro mcms146.2 3e belat a leuery mcms146.3 kerense sesar ytho mcms146.4 ny 3e lemman belyny mcms146.5 in ny wreth dyffry do3o mcms146.6 a berverth yn crows cregy mcms146.7 rag mygtern a omwrello mcms146.8 3e sesar yw contrary

mcms147.1 ena pylat pan glewas mcms147.2 an lauarow na ganse mcms147.3 ihesus ef a 3yswe3as mcms147.4 pur evn yn cres yn tre3e mcms147.5 a watta ef a gowsas mcms147.6 agis mygtern ple meve mcms147.7 ol war barth i an naghas mcms147.8 hag a yrghys y la3e

mcms148.1 in meth pylat why a vyn mcms148.2 drys pub tra me 3y la3e mcms148.3 agis mygtern meth yw 3yn mcms148.4 na ve3ens clewys neffre mcms148.5 yn me3ens y nyn gor3yn mcms148.6 na ny goth thyn y wor3ye mcms148.7 na ken mygtern ny venyn mcms148.8 ys cesar caffos neffre

mcms149.1 y thewleff pylat a wolhas mcms149.2 hag a leuerys 3e3e mcms149.3 glan off a wos an dremas mcms149.4 rag ay woys venions a 3e mcms149.5 ol warbarth y a armas mcms149.6 mar te ve(n)ions ha cothe mcms149.7 war agan flehys yn fras mcms149.8 ha warnan be3ans neffre

mcms150.1 camen pylat pan welas mcms150.2 na ylly crist delyffre mcms150.3 manan geffo ef sor bras mcms150.4 3e worth ol an gowe3e mcms150.5 rag henna ef a iuggyas mcms150.6 ihesus 3e3e 3y la3e mcms150.7 the ves y a thelyffras mcms150.8 barabas quyth may 3elle

mcms151.1 pan o ihesus cryst dampnys mcms151.2 aberth yn crows may farwe mcms151.3 haccra mernans byth ordnys mcms151.4 3e creatur ny vye mcms151.5 en grows whath nyn io parys mcms151.6 nan e3ewon ny wo3ye mcms151.7 an prennyer py fens kefis mcms151.8 3e wu3yll crous a ne3e

mcms152.1 vn ethow a brederys mcms152.2 hag a leuerys the3e mcms152.3 bonas pren yn dour tewlys mcms152.4 a vs yn houl na vye mcms152.5 rag an grous y 3o ordnys mcms152.6 han huthewon ny wo3ye mcms152.7 hag an avell deve3ys mcms152.8 dre3y adam may peghse

mcms153.1 an prynner a ve kerhys mcms153.2 en grows scon dy3gtis may fe mcms153.3 hag ynny bonas gorys mcms153.4 ragon ny cryst a vynne mcms153.5 ha war an pren frut degis mcms153.6 may fe sur 3agan sawye mcms153.7 may teth frut may fen kellys mcms153.8 rag adam 3e attamye

mcms154.1 whath kentrow 3e3e nyngo mcms154.2 ihesus yn crows rag synsy mcms154.3 y hwalsons ol adro mcms154.4 mar caffons goff yredy mcms154.5 onan a welsons eno mcms154.6 hag y 3e3ons 3y besy mcms154.7 hag y lauarsons tho3o mcms154.8 te gura iij kenter 3ynny

mcms155.1 in meth an goyff me ny wraff mcms155.2 pur wyr kentrow 3ewy vyth mcms155.3 yn methons mar omwreyth claff mcms155.4 gor3ewyth te an prenvyth mcms155.5 awos guthyll wheyll mar scaff mcms155.6 yn ethom 3yn mar fyllyth mcms155.7 y wor3ebys ny vannaff mcms155.8 aga gu3yll war ow fyth

mcms156.1 gans mur a iucters yn wlas mcms156.2 ef ave veyll rebukis mcms156.3 kavanskis ef a whelas mcms156.4 rag own y vonas le3ys mcms156.5 yn meth angoff clevas bras mcms156.6 es omdewleff deve3ys mcms156.7 towyll vyth ny allaff yn fas mcms156.8 ynno sensy 3e wonys

mcms157.1 reys o 3o3o dysque3as mcms157.2 3e pur treytours a 3ewle mcms157.3 warne3e gwelsons clevas mcms157.4 bytegyns byth nyn gese mcms157.5 yn meth y wrek mur a varth bras mcms157.6 yv henna 3ym rum lewte mcms157.7 he3ow pan e3ys yn mes mcms157.8 cleves vyth nyth kemerse

mcms158.1 in meth gurek an goff 3e3e mcms158.2 kentrow 3ewy why ny fyll mcms158.3 a wos bos claff y 3ewle mcms158.4 toche vyth gonys ef na yll mcms158.5 del won yn vn fystene mcms158.6 me as gura ny strechyaff pell mcms158.7 a ban na ges a wothfe mcms158.8 3eugh paris as guerelle gwell

mcms159.1 en debell wrek casadow mcms159.2 gans mur a doth eth yn chy mcms159.3 war hast 3e we3yll kentrow mcms159.4 may fens creff ha trewesy mcms159.5 ij droys ihesus caradow mcms159.6 hay ij leyff y a delly mcms159.7 rag an spykis o garow mcms159.8 pan vons gwyskis 3y synsy

mcms160.1 pan o kentrow lemmys mcms160.2 hy as duk 3en e3ewon mcms160.3 crows ihesus navnio paris mcms160.4 y eth 3y la3e yn scon mcms160.5 bresell cref a ve sordijs mcms160.6 en grows pu elle 3y don mcms160.7 dre vur stryff y fe iuggijs mcms160.8 ys degy crist y honon

mcms161.1 an queth tek a ve dyskis mcms161.2 han purpur ryche a vsye mcms161.3 hay bowys yhonon gurris mcms161.4 a dro 3o3o hy a ve mcms161.5 gans y vam y fye guris mcms161.6 hag ef gensy ow tene mcms161.7 kepar ihesus del devys mcms161.8 yn della an bows a wre

mcms162.1 oll monas y a vynne mcms162.2 bys yn mont a galvary mcms162.3 a vest 3en dre y 3ese mcms162.4 meneth vghell yredy mcms162.5 an grows i a rug gorre mcms162.6 war scoth ihesus 3y don 3y mcms162.7 3e ihesus crist may teffe mcms162.8 ol an greff han belyny

mcms163.1 dew lader drevs o dampnys mcms163.2 a ve dy3gtis gans ihesu mcms163.3 ganso ef may fens cregis mcms163.4 onon 3o3o a bub tu mcms163.5 ihesus a ve hombronkis mcms163.6 ha war y lyrgh mur a lu mcms163.7 dre volder tebel iustis mcms163.8 rag y chasye kyn 3o du

mcms164.1 i vam whegol a welas mcms164.2 del esons worth y 3ygtye mcms164.3 pyteth mur askemeras mcms164.4 y holon nam na grakye mcms164.5 dre vn scochforth y ponyas mcms164.6 cafos y mab mar calle mcms164.7 i wortos hy a vynnas mcms164.8 guelas ihesus a gare

mcms165.1 pan welas y mab dygtis mcms165.2 gans an e3ewon mar veyll mcms165.3 hay vos gans spern curunys mcms165.4 ha peb 3o3o ow cull geyll mcms165.5 hag yn y gorf bos gorris mcms165.6 goleow pals leas myll mcms165.7 heb cows ger y clamderis mcms165.8 y tethas (cothas) war bol y hyll

mcms166.1 ena pan sevys yn ban mcms166.2 hy a gewsys del ylly mcms166.3 nyn gew ow faynys beghan mcms166.4 vs lemyn war ow sensy mcms166.5 ow holon yn tre myll darn mcms166.6 marth yw gene na squardhy mcms166.7 pan welaff ow mab mar wan mcms166.8 ow town kemys velyny

mcms167.1 gensy prest ij venyn len mcms167.2 esa worth y homfortye mcms167.3 marya magdalenen mcms167.4 ha marya cleophe mcms167.5 y a fystena yn fen mcms167.6 arte 3y dyerbyne mcms167.7 rag kerensa nyn io ken mcms167.8 y welas y a vynne

mcms168.1 benenas prest a holyas mcms168.2 ihesu crist yn vn garme mcms168.3 ihesus worto a veras mcms168.4 hag a leueris 3e3e mcms168.5 flehys mur ha benenas mcms168.6 a ierusalem yn dre mcms168.7 a wor bos ov feynys bras mcms168.8 ragoff na wheleugh ole

mcms169.1 olough rag agis fleghys mcms169.2 ha ragough agis honon mcms169.3 en de3yow a vyth guelys mcms169.4 hag a 3e sur yntre3on mcms169.5 may fyth torrow benegis mcms169.6 bythqueth na allas e3on mcms169.7 ha benenas kekyffrys mcms169.8 na ve 3e3e denys bron

mcms170.1 in erna 3en meny3yow mcms170.2 why a ergh warnough co3e mcms170.3 yn ketella an nanssow mcms170.4 wy a bys ragas cuthe mcms170.5 del lavare war anow mcms170.6 war an pren glays mar a te mcms170.7 yn pren seygh ha casadow mcms170.8 sur yn erna fatel ve

mcms171.1 i vam whek marya wyn mcms171.2 pub vr fystene a wre mcms171.3 may halle doys war y byn mcms171.4 y mab kemmys a gare mcms171.5 rag gwander war ben dowlyn mcms171.6 hy an guelas ow co3e mcms171.7 han wlos askemeras mar dyn mcms171.8 may clamderas hy arte

mcms172.1 ena hy a ve seuys mcms172.2 yn ban ynter benenas mcms172.3 arluth hy a leueris mcms172.4 ow holon y ma genas mcms172.5 kepar ha te hy 3ew guris mcms172.6 yn anken worth 3e welas mcms172.7 bytqueth den ny wo3evys mcms172.8 payn ella 3y golon nes

mcms173.1 en golyas ha fowt dybbry mcms173.2 a wo3evys ihesus ker mcms173.3 han strokosow trewesy mcms173.4 war y gorff dris pub maner mcms173.5 goys ay ben ay ysely mcms173.6 a 3roppye war y 3ew ver mcms173.7 rag do3o ef na ylly mcms173.8 doun an grows rag gwander

mcms174.1 vn den asdyerbynnas mcms174.2 symmon o ay own hanow mcms174.3 y leuerys 3o3o guas mcms174.4 ty a 3ek an grows heb wow mcms174.5 y don symon a sconyas mcms174.6 ef an geve strocosow mcms174.7 na moy sconye ny vynnas mcms174.8 rag own cafos y ancow

mcms175.1 ef a thuk an grous ganse mcms175.2 pur wyr henno ay anvoth mcms175.3 ny wrens y na hen scyle mcms175.4 lymyn sywye aga both mcms175.5 pub er te 3en gura lewte mcms175.6 beva den yonk bo den coth mcms175.7 or3aff mar mynnyth cole mcms175.8 neffre gans an fals na soth

mcms176.1 i eth yn vn fystene mcms176.2 3en tyller ganso o ordnys mcms176.3 pan do3yans 3y yntre3e mcms176.4 pows ihesus a ve dyskis mcms176.5 y dysky mur an grevye mcms176.6 worto fast navngo glenys mcms176.7 whath bytqueth claff ny vee mcms176.8 vylle ys dello dyskis

mcms177.1 vn venyn da a welas mcms177.2 dello ihesus dystrippijs mcms177.3 pytet mur askemeras mcms177.4 rag y vos mar veyll dygtis mcms177.5 vn queth tek hy a drylyas mcms177.6 adro 3o3o desympys mcms177.7 ha warnans hy an quuthas mcms177.8 rag gwy3e na ve storuys

mcms178.1 heys crist y a gemeras mcms178.2 an neyll lef bys yn y ben mcms178.3 worth an les y a dollas mcms178.4 ij doll yn (an) grows heb ken mcms178.5 may 3ello an kentrow bras mcms178.6 dre y 3ewleff bys yn pen mcms178.7 rag y dreys y a vynnas mcms178.8 telly 3y worre yntten

mcms179.1 ganse crist a ve tewlys mcms179.2 war an grows 3e wrowe3e mcms179.3 hay yll leff a ve tackis mcms179.4 ord en grows fast may 3ese mcms179.5 hay yll troys a ve gorris mcms179.6 poran war ben e gele mcms179.7 worth an grows yfons la3ijs mcms179.8 gans kenter guyskis dre3e

mcms180.1 then levff arall pan do3yans mcms180.2 worth an grovs rag y faste mcms180.3 y fylly moy es tresheys mcms180.4 3en tol guris hy na he3e mcms180.5 en e3ewon betegyns mcms180.6 gul tol arall ny vynne mcms180.7 lemyn an tol re wrussens mcms180.8 y a vyn(n)e 3e seruye

mcms181.1 ganse worth levff crist loven mcms181.2 fast yn scon a ve kelmys mcms181.3 hag yn tre an e3ewon mcms181.4 an grovs fast a ve sensys mcms181.5 gans re a gymmys colon mcms181.6 en loven a ve tennys mcms181.7 y iunctis keteponon mcms181.8 oll warbarth may 3ens squardis

mcms182.1 pan deth levff crist war en toll mcms182.2 dre an nerth may tensons hy mcms182.3 vn ethow avell pyth foll mcms182.4 a wyskis kenter ynhy mcms182.5 lemmyn me agis pys oll mcms182.6 a baynis crist predery mcms182.7 ha na vo gesys 3e goll mcms182.8 an lahys a rug 3ynny

mcms183.1 scrifys yw yn suredy mcms183.2 ha ken me nyn lauarsen mcms183.3 corff ihesus hay asely mcms183.4 y 3e denna mar velen mcms183.5 neb a vynna a ylly mcms183.6 neuera oll y yscren mcms183.7 hay skennys kyc ha gwy3y mcms183.8 pan esa yn (an) crows pren

mcms184.1 han grous a ve drehevys mcms184.2 ha ihesus fasteys ynny mcms184.3 han pen golas delyffrys mcms184.4 yn tol o tellys rygthy mcms184.5 ena hy a ve gefys mcms184.6 3e go3a mar ankynsy mcms184.7 3e crist may fe crehellys mcms184.8 oll y gorf hay esely

mcms185.1 ha crist yn delma peynys mcms185.2 a berth yn crows pan ese mcms185.3 yn (va)nerma y pesys mcms185.4 rag an keth re ren crowse mcms185.5 ow 3as whek be3ens gevys mcms185.6 3en rema aga nyscyte mcms185.7 rag me ny won py gymmys mcms185.8 y mons y sur ow peghe

mcms186.1 an ethewon a grogas mcms186.2 lader 3e gryst an barth cleth mcms186.3 hag a 3yghow lader bras mcms186.4 cregy a russons yn weth mcms186.5 ha crist yn cres leun a ras mcms186.6 levn y golon a voreth mcms186.7 gans laddron y tewe3as mcms186.8 del yw scrifys ay 3eweth

mcms187.1 pylat a vynnas scrife mcms187.2 a vewnans (leg. vernans) crist acheson mcms187.3 praga dampnys rebee mcms187.4 hag an scrifas y honon mcms187.5 pan eth pylat 3y redye mcms187.6 scyle nyn io na gonon mcms187.7 prest y keffy pan very mcms187.8 henma yw mygtern e3ewon

mcms188.1 en ethewon a gowsys mcms188.2 henna yw 3yn bylyny mcms188.3 be3ens 3e ves defendis mcms188.4 y vonas mygtern 3ynny mcms188.5 ha be3ens ena gorris mcms188.6 y fense bos dre vestry mcms188.7 han pyth a screfys screfys mcms188.8 yn meth pylat 3e3e y

mcms189.1 en lybell a ve tackis mcms189.2 worth en grous fast may 3ese mcms189.3 hag a vgh pen crist gorrys mcms189.4 may hylly peb y redye mcms189.5 rag bos ihesus crist crowsys mcms189.6 ogas 3e forth an cyte mcms189.7 gans leas yfe redijs mcms189.8 y vonas mygtern 3ethe

mcms190.1 dyllas crist a ve rynnys mcms190.2 pedar ran guris a ne3e mcms190.3 gans peswar marreg a brys mcms190.4 3e bub marreg ran nayse mcms190.5 y bous ef o mar dek guris mcms190.6 y ny vynsans y ranne mcms190.7 war nethy pren be tewlys mcms190.8 oll an bows pyv an gyffe

mcms191.1 an barth cleyth neb o cregis mcms191.2 dyveth o ha lader pur mcms191.3 yn ges ef a leuerys mcms191.4 te crist mar sota mar fur mcms191.5 war an bys del omwressys mcms191.6 lemmyn dyswa ha gura cur mcms191.7 ha saw te ha me kyffris mcms191.8 agan bewnans may fen sur

mcms192.1 in meth an lader arall mcms192.2 drok 3en os kepar del ves mcms192.3 ny 3owtyth du te yw dall mcms192.4 rag genen cregis neb es mcms192.5 den glan yw a begh heb fall mcms192.6 ynno eff dyfout nyn ges mcms192.7 agan cregy ny yv mall mcms192.8 rag ny rebe laddron dres

mcms193.1 an lader an barth dyghow mcms193.2 a besys in ketelma mcms193.3 arluth pan dyffy 3et pow mcms193.4 predery a hanaff gura mcms193.5 crist pur wek an caradow mcms193.6 an gor3ebys yn vrna mcms193.7 te a vyth yn keth golow mcms193.8 yn paradis genama

mcms194.1 an e3ewon a gewsy mcms194.2 a ihesus rag y scornye mcms194.3 kyns yn ta ef a ylly mcms194.4 tus a bup drok ol sawye mcms194.5 lemmyn gans ol y vestry mcms194.6 ragon ny wor omwe3e mcms194.7 na gans oll y tretury mcms194.8 ny yll agan dyssaytye

mcms195.1 war aga dewlyn y 3e mcms195.2 pe rag ihesus re erell mcms195.3 aga fen y a sackye mcms195.4 hag a gewsy pur debell mcms195.5 worth ihesus rag y angre mcms195.6 a wotta omma neb yll mcms195.7 tempell du dowstoll squardye mcms195.8 ha 3e voth y 3rehevell

mcms196.1 hag y ee 3e ben dewlyn mcms196.2 ha hager mowys a wre mcms196.3 gwe3e go3yans aga meyn mcms196.4 orth ihesus a omgame mcms196.5 hag ef moygha yn y beyn mcms196.6 yn y fas y a drewe mcms196.7 heno 3o3o calys feyn mcms196.8 agan pegh ny ow prenne

mcms197.1 re 3e gryst a leuery mcms197.2 a berth yn crows pan ese mcms197.3 mar soge crist mab dauy mcms197.4 des an grows heb pystege mcms197.5 ha ny a grys 3e vestry mcms197.6 hag ad syns mester neffre mcms197.7 me yw mab du yredy mcms197.8 crist a leueris thethe

mcms198.1 a barth dyghow y 3ese mcms198.2 3e gryst y vam marya mcms198.3 hay vam ef neb a gare mcms198.4 an barth arall magata mcms198.5 deso benyn yn me3a mcms198.6 Iowan 3e vab me a wra mcms198.7 na byth moy ken mam neffre mcms198.8 es hyhy te na whela

mcms199.1 war lyrgh crist enef 3e ry mcms199.2 pub onan oll 3y gele mcms199.3 Iowan y vam a sensy mcms199.4 marya crist del arse mcms199.5 yn pub maner may hylly mcms199.6 y vam prest asonore mcms199.7 yn delma comfort 3y3y mcms199.8 y map a vynnas dygtye

mcms200.1 nevngo deuethys an prys mcms200.2 may 3o ogas 3y 3eweth mcms200.3 yn erna y fe dorgis mcms200.4 ha dris ol an bys ef eth mcms200.5 tewolgow bras a ve guris mcms200.6 an houll a gollas y feth mcms200.7 ha moy mar3us me a gris mcms200.8 ys an rena ve yn weth

mcms201.1 in della hy a begyas mcms201.2 bys hanter dyth yredy mcms201.3 yn erna crist a vynnas mcms201.4 leuerell ely ely mcms201.5 3e strirya (leg. scrirya) yw a gowsas mcms201.6 arluth prag y hysta vy mcms201.7 mas re war gryst a ynnyas mcms201.8 y 3o dewas ar yrghy

mcms202.1 gans an e3ewon war hast mcms202.2 drok 3ewas a ve dy3gtys mcms202.3 tebell lycour mur y last mcms202.4 eysyll bestyll kemyskis mcms202.5 yn (un) spong orth gwelen fast mcms202.6 3e gryst hy a ve he3ys mcms202.7 gonys oll a wrens yn fast mcms202.8 rag na go crist attendijs

mcms203.1 re an e3ewon tebell mcms203.2 a leuerys heb pyte mcms203.3 a wottense ow kelwel mcms203.4 hely 3o3o 3y wy3e mcms203.5 myrugh mar te drehevell mcms203.6 ay beynys 3y delyffre mcms203.7 han scherewys prest a bell mcms203.8 3e worth an gwyr afye

mcms204.1 i beyn o mar greff ha tyn mcms204.2 caman na ylly bewe mcms204.3 heb dascor y eneff gwyn mcms204.4 bytqueth yn lan revewse mcms204.5 crist a besys del redyn mcms204.6 yn delma yn luas le mcms204.7 ow eneff me a gymyn mcms204.8 arluth yn tre 3e 3ewle

mcms205.1 rag gwan spyr(n) hag ef yn ten mcms205.2 caman na ylly gwy3e mcms205.3 war nans na bosse y ben mcms205.4 rag an arlont a vsye mcms205.5 mar posse a neyll tenewen mcms205.6 rag y scoth hy a grevye mcms205.7 ha whath gweth a wre an pren mcms205.8 war 3ellargh mar an gorre

mcms206.1 na war rag ef ny ylly mcms206.2 pose rag own bos megis mcms206.3 yn erna del redyn ny mcms206.4 y(n) lyffrow del yw scrifys mcms206.5 3en ne3yn gwyls rag nye3y mcms206.6 tellyryow esa paris mcms206.7 the crist y ben py sensy mcms206.8 teller vyth nyn go kefis

mcms207.1 rag porrys rys o 3o3o mcms207.2 gase y ben 3egregy mcms207.3 rag galse glan 3e worto mcms207.4 y woys bewe ny ylly mcms207.5 war tu hay vam an pewo mcms207.6 y ben a vynnas synsy mcms207.7 hay eneff eth a no3o mcms207.8 gans garm eyn hag vghel gry

mcms208.1 ryp crous ihesus y 3ese mcms208.2 vn den henwys sentury mcms208.3 a vernans crist pan welse mcms208.4 kynyuer tra marthusy mcms208.5 han enef del dascorse mcms208.6 erbyn natar gans vn cry mcms208.7 y leuerys heb scornye mcms208.8 hemma (hem) yw mab du yredy mcms208.9 ha leas ganso ene mcms208.A do3o a 3uk dustuny

mcms209.1 nango hanter dyth yn wlas mcms209.2 po moy del yma scryfis mcms209.3 dorgis esa ha lughas mcms209.4 han tewolgow kekyffrys mcms209.5 veyll an tempyll a squardyas mcms209.6 yn tre dew 3en dor co3ys mcms209.7 ena yn weth y torras mcms209.8 en veyn o creff ha calys

mcms210.1 en be3ow yn lower le mcms210.2 a pert a ve egerys mcms210.3 han corfow esa ynne mcms210.4 a ve yn ban drehevys mcms210.5 hag eth poran 3en cyte mcms210.6 gans luas y fons gwelys mcms210.7 en gwyr 3e 3ustynee mcms210.8 bos mab du neb o le3ys

mcms211.1 dowr ha ler ha tan ha gwyns mcms211.2 houl ha lour ha steyr kyffris mcms211.3 a gryst ow co3aff mernans mcms211.4 anken y a wo3evys mcms211.5 natur scyle me a syns mcms211.6 arluth da mar pyth peynys mcms211.7 ol y sogete kyn fons syns mcms211.8 rag y beyn 3e vos grevijs

mcms212.1 enaff crist 3e yffarn eth mcms212.2 hag a dorras an por3ow mcms212.3 dre y nerth bras hay sleyueth mcms212.4 ena golmas dewolow mcms212.5 lucyfer kelmys yv whath mcms212.6 pur fast yn y golmennow mcms212.7 hag ef a dryk heb fynweth mcms212.8 yn yffarn yn tewolgow

mcms213.1 ena crist a thelyffras mcms213.2 a breson adam hag evef mcms213.3 suel a wressa both y das mcms213.4 man geffo tregva yn nef mcms213.5 pan eth yn mes yn sewyas mcms213.6 en dus vas del vynne ef mcms213.7 an scherewes a dregas mcms213.8 yn yffarn yn tormont creff

mcms214.1 vn burges iosep hynwys mcms214.2 a baramat an cyte mcms214.3 yn mernans crist a gewsys mcms214.4 bytqueth dremas re bee mcms214.5 ol y doul ef o tewlys mcms214.6 ganso yn nef rag trege mcms214.7 ihesus ganso o keris mcms214.8 ha nyn io hard 3y notye

mcms215.1 iosep eth bys an iustis mcms215.2 3e bylat mester treus o mcms215.3 ha pur hardh a wovynnys mcms215.4 corf ihesus worto yn ro mcms215.5 rag bos iosep den keris mcms215.6 grontis ef a ve 3o3o mcms215.7 pylat a woromynnys mcms215.8 meras crist marow mar so

mcms216.1 en e3ewon skyntyll keth mcms216.2 resteffo mur vylyny mcms216.3 3e veras worth crist y eth mcms216.4 hag ef yn crous ow cregy mcms216.5 y a welas war y feth mcms216.6 y vos marow yredy mcms216.7 yttaseffsons oll yn weth mcms216.8 dre an golon y delly

mcms217.1 in aga herwyth y 3ese mcms217.2 vn marreg longis hynwys mcms217.3 dal o ny wely banna mcms217.4 ef rebea den a brys mcms217.5 gew a ve yn y 3ewle mcms217.6 gans an e3ewon gorris mcms217.7 ha pen lym rag y wane mcms217.8 3e golon ihesus hynwys

mcms218.1 longis sur an barth dyghow mcms218.2 3e grous ihesus y 3ese mcms218.3 3en marreg worth y hanow mcms218.4 y a yrhys may whane mcms218.5 yn corf ihesus caradow mcms218.6 en gew lym ef a bechye mcms218.7 pur ewn yn dan an asow mcms218.8 dre an golon may 3ese

mcms219.1 an golon y 3eth stret bras mcms219.2 dour ha goys yn kemeskis mcms219.3 ha ryp an gyw a resas mcms219.4 3e 3ewle neb an gwyskis mcms219.5 y wholhas y 3ewlagas mcms219.6 gans y eyll leyff o gosys mcms219.7 dre ras an goys y whelas mcms219.8 ihesus crist del o dy3gtis

mcms220.1 eddrek mur an kemeras mcms220.2 rag an ober re wresse mcms220.3 3y ben dowlyn y co3as mcms220.4 arluth gevyans yn me3e mcms220.5 dall en ny welyn yn fas mcms220.6 ow bos mar veyll ow pewe mcms220.7 ihesus 3o3o a avas mcms220.8 pan welas y edrege

mcms221.1 mam ihesus marya wyn mcms221.2 herd(h)ya an gyw pan welas mcms221.3 yn y mab yn tenewyn mcms221.4 dre an golon may resas mcms221.5 ha 3en dor an goys han lyn mcms221.6 an no3o dell deveras mcms221.7 angus bras ha peynys tyn mcms221.8 ha gloys creff askemeres (leg. askemeras)

mcms222.1 ffest yn tyn hy a wole mcms222.2 3e wher3yn nysteva whans mcms222.3 hay dagrow a 3evera mcms222.4 hay dew lagas pur 3ewhans mcms222.5 hay holon whek a ranne mcms222.6 me a leuer rag trystans mcms222.7 rag an grayth yn hy ese mcms222.8 nas gwe3e an spyrys sans

mcms223.1 dre y holon y 3eth seth mcms223.2 y mab syndis pan welse mcms223.3 moreth an seth ha pytet mcms223.4 natureth a ha denseth mcms223.5 ha pen arall o pytet mcms223.6 tackis fast gans kerense mcms223.7 ny wo3evys den bythqueth mcms223.8 kymmys peynys ow pewe

mcms224.1 an seth yw rag leueris mcms224.2 as gwyskis tyn gans mur angus mcms224.3 war hy holon may crunys mcms224.4 dre nerth an bum fynten woys mcms224.5 ha hy a wolas kymmys mcms224.6 gans mar ver nerth ha galloys mcms224.7 an fynten may trehevys mcms224.8 ran yn ban du droka loys

mcms225.1 an goysna dagrennow try mcms225.2 dre y ij lagas y 3eth mcms225.3 ny go comfort na yly mcms225.4 a wrello y holon hueth mcms225.5 hay veynys mar drewesy mcms225.6 askemar ha kymmys cueth mcms225.7 yn oll an bys ny ylly mcms225.8 den cafos kymmys anfueth

mcms226.1 i feynys o bras ha creff mcms226.2 yn ioy 3e3y trylys yw mcms226.3 rag mygternes yw yn nef mcms226.4 3e vos gor3ijs hy yv gyw mcms226.5 eleth 3e rygthy a seff mcms226.6 leas myll y both a syw mcms226.7 hay mab as gorth del vyn ef mcms226.8 tecke ys houl yv y lyw

mcms227.1 in corff ihesus y 3ese mcms227.2 hag ef yn crows ow cregy mcms227.3 pymp myll strekis del iove mcms227.4 ha pedergwyth cans goly mcms227.5 ha tryvgons moy ganse mcms227.6 ha pym3ek pur wyr ens y mcms227.7 hag ol rag pur gerense mcms227.8 worth mab den ys go3evy

mcms228.1 pub te3oll neb a vynne mcms228.2 leuerel pym3ek pater mcms228.3 a leun golon rag gor3ye mcms228.4 pascon agan arluth ker mcms228.5 yn bly3en y a vye mcms228.6 ha bederow keneuer mcms228.7 hag a owleow ese mcms228.8 yn gorf ihesus worth neuer

mcms229.1 en e3ewon ny vynne mcms229.2 bos an laddron ow cregy mcms229.3 ternos rag pasch o 3e3e mcms229.4 dyth vghel y a sensy mcms229.5 an e3ewon yn tre3e mcms229.6 a rug may wrellons terry mcms229.7 aga mor3osow whare mcms229.8 hag a lena aga dry

mcms230.1 erbyn bonas henna guris mcms230.2 nanso prys gwespar yn wlas mcms230.3 yn erna yn weth kemeas mcms230.4 3e iosep y a rontyas mcms230.5 hag an grous del o prys mcms230.6 corf ihesus a gemeras mcms230.7 tyr marya me a gris mcms230.8 pur ylwys an gweresas

mcms231.1 mam ihesus cryst amme mcms231.2 corf y mab pur drewesy mcms231.3 hay daggrow a 3evere mcms231.4 a no3o pan predery mcms231.5 han anken mur asgrevye mcms231.6 pan very worth y woly mcms231.7 yn tenewen y 3ese mcms231.8 dre an golon astylly

mcms232.1 iosep 3e gryst a vynnas mcms232.2 y arrow hay 3effregh whek mcms232.3 yn vaner del yn whas mcms232.4 hag as ystynnas pur dek mcms232.5 a dro 3y gorff y trylyas mcms232.6 sendall rych yn luas pleg mcms232.7 ha marya leun a ras mcms232.8 ganso trest ha more3ek

mcms233.1 ena vn lowarth ese mcms233.2 ha ynno nyn io parys mcms233.3 den marow rag receive mcms233.4 newyth parrys nyn io vsijs mcms233.5 corff ihesus crist yn tre3e mcms233.6 3en logell a ve degys mcms233.7 hag a heys 3e wrowe3e mcms233.8 ynno ef a ve gesys

mcms234.1 vn den da c(ri)st a gara mcms234.2 nycodemus y hanow mcms234.3 eff nyn io hardh 3y notya mcms234.4 rag own cafos y ankow mcms234.5 dworennos yn pur brena mcms234.6 ef eth 3en corff o marow mcms234.7 gans vnnient 3o3o esa mcms234.8 ha spycis a vur rasow

mcms235.1 nycodemus a vras mcms235.2 corff ihesus hay esely mcms235.3 oynment o a gymmys ras mcms235.4 may we3e corf heb pedry mcms235.5 nagonon ef ny asas mcms235.6 heb vre ay esely mcms235.7 yn delma ef an dy3gtyas mcms235.8 mey eyn sur o y wely

mcms236.1 ha spycis leas ehen mcms236.2 ef a worras yn y veth mcms236.3 3e gryst a bub tenewen mcms236.4 hag a 3yghow hag a gleth mcms236.5 worth y dreys ha worth y ben mcms236.6 ha war ol y gorf yn weth mcms236.7 dysque3yens war lyrgh anken mcms236.8 be3e mygtern yn deweth

mcms237.1 han e3ewon a worras mcms237.2 a vgh ihesus crist vn men mcms237.3 leden o ha poys ha bras mcms237.4 moy agis gauel tredden mcms237.5 ganso drys nos y 3olyas mcms237.6 yn y seruys neb o len mcms237.7 an nosna a dremenas mcms237.8 hag oll y drok hay anken

mcms238.1 ternoys y sordyas bresel mcms238.2 gans an e3ewon goky mcms238.3 lauarow tyn hag vghel mcms238.4 fest yn foll y a gewsy mcms238.5 may 3ens y parys 3en well mcms238.6 ny wo3yens y 3ystrowy mcms238.7 rag ihesus 3e leuerell mcms238.8 yn tressa dyth y sevy

mcms239.1 in vn stevya oll y eth mcms239.2 bys yn pylat o iustis mcms239.3 vn e3ow 3o3o yn freth mcms239.4 yn delma a leuerys mcms239.5 ny a yll yn nos haneth mcms239.6 fest dystough bonas kellys mcms239.7 ha may fo dynny 3e weth mcms239.8 rag bonas ihesus le3ys

mcms240.1 rag an traytor a gewsys mcms240.2 ha 3e rag leas huny mcms240.3 war lyrgh y vonas le3ys mcms240.4 3en tressa dyth y seuy mcms240.5 mars mara pe3a degis mcms240.6 gans y dus nan caffan ny mcms240.7 yn vrna byth leuerys mcms240.8 ef 3e sevell dre vestry

mcms241.1 pylat a yrghys 3e3e mcms241.2 war beyn kylly an bewnans mcms241.3 monas 3en corf 3y we3e mcms241.4 nan kemerre y yskerans mcms241.5 hag yn nos oll aspye mcms241.6 ha gwy3e tam na guskens mcms241.7 y eth yn vn fystene mcms241.8 peswar marrek yrvys ens

mcms242.1 pan de3ens y bys yn beth mcms242.2 y 3eth vn marrek 3y ben mcms242.3 hag arall 3y dreys yn weth mcms242.4 yrvys fast bys yn 3ewen mcms242.5 hag a 3yghow hag a gleth mcms242.6 onon a bub tenewen mcms242.7 bost a wrens tyn ha deveth mcms242.8 yn gwe3ens worth y ehen

mcms243.1 en varogyon a guskas mcms243.2 myttyn han gyth ow tar3e mcms243.3 ha ihesus a 3e3oras mcms243.4 hag eth yn le may fynne mcms243.5 den a pert ha mur y ras mcms243.6 golow cleyr ow tewynnye mcms243.7 ef e wre oll y vynnas mcms243.8 y ny yllens y we3e

mcms244.1 pan o pur holergh an gyth mcms244.2 y tefenas vn marrek mcms244.3 del deth an nef war y fyth mcms244.4 ef a welas golow tek mcms244.5 han meyn vmhelys yn weth mcms244.6 ese a vgh ihesus whek mcms244.7 ha warno3o a yseth mcms244.8 ell benegas lowenek

mcms245.1 en marrek na a sevys mcms245.2 oll yn ban y gowe3e mcms245.3 ha 3e3e a leuerys mcms245.4 a ihesus fatell vye mcms245.5 an denma re drehevys mcms245.6 gallas ny wo3an pele mcms245.7 lemman na veny le3ys mcms245.8 nyn ges forth 3e omwe3e

mcms246.1 marrak arall a gowsas mcms246.2 gony vyth pan veyn genys mcms246.3 tru a thu elhas elhas mcms246.4 gans vn huyn re ben tullys mcms246.5 an bewnans ny re gollas mcms246.6 hag yn weth agan fleghys mcms246.7 om 3yghtyn trussen anwlas mcms246.8 fyan na veny kefys

mcms247.1 an peswore a gewsys mcms247.2 na whelyn gwevye an pow mcms247.3 kepar del ve 3en iustis mcms247.4 dun leueryn war anow mcms247.5 ay veth del yw drehevys mcms247.6 na leueryn vn ger gow mcms247.7 y a ruge a 3esympys mcms247.8 oll war lyrgh y arhadow

mcms248.1 i eth yn vn fystene mcms248.2 3e pylat aga iustis mcms248.3 en deskyens del vye mcms248.4 ha 3o3o a leuerys mcms248.5 re safse crist heb strevye mcms248.6 ol 3y voth gans golowys mcms248.7 ha na yllens y gwy3e mcms248.8 y voth na vo colenwys

mcms249.1 ena pylat pan glewas mcms249.2 yn delma y 3e gewsell mcms249.3 prederow an kemeras mcms249.4 rak own y 3e leuerell mcms249.5 ha 3y notye drys an wlas mcms249.6 sur a ogas hag a bell mcms249.7 may teffe tus gans nerth bras mcms249.8 erbyn rag gustle bell

mcms250.1 rag henna pylat a ros mcms250.2 3en vorogyon aga ro mcms250.3 may lavarsans hadolos mcms250.4 yn pub tyller dris an vro mcms250.5 3e vos tus yrvys yn nos mcms250.6 warne3e kymmys a dro mcms250.7 na gens y hardh 3e wortos mcms250.8 lemmen oll monas 3en fo

mcms251.1 en varogyon pan glewas mcms251.2 pylat ov cows yn della mcms251.3 mur a ioy askemeras mcms251.4 y 3e 3eank yn della mcms251.5 an peynys o creff ha bras mcms251.6 ha cafos rohow ma 3a mcms251.7 both pylat y a notyas mcms251.8 yn le may 3ens rak henna

mcms252.1 in keth gythna pur avar mcms252.2 han houll nowyth drehevys mcms252.3 tyr marea cleyr ha whar mcms252.4 a 3eth 3en beth leuerys mcms252.5 ha ganse oynment heb par mcms252.6 rag corf ihesus o prennys mcms252.7 whath yn erna nyn gens war mcms252.8 bonas mab du drehevys

mcms253.1 pan o an tyr marya mcms253.2 ogas 3en beth deuethys mcms253.3 an meyn esa a war3a mcms253.4 y an guelas drehevys mcms253.5 en benenas yn delma mcms253.6 yn tre3e a leuerys mcms253.7 3e worth an beth an meynma mcms253.8 3ynny pu an ommelys

mcms254.1 en benenas leun a ras mcms254.2 gans an beth fast powessens mcms254.3 worth an pen y a welas mcms254.4 3en beth yw leueris kens mcms254.5 vn flough yonk gwyn y 3yllas mcms254.6 eyll o ha y ny wo3yens mcms254.7 scruth own mur askemeras mcms254.8 rag an marthus re welsens

mcms255.1 en eyll a gewsys 3e3e mcms255.2 na ve3ough dyscomfortis mcms255.3 ihesus crist a na3ary mcms255.4 del welsough a ve lethys mcms255.5 sevys gallas 3e gen le mcms255.6 den a pert ha mur y breys mcms255.7 a wotta an le may 3ese mcms255.8 vmma nyn gew ef tregis

mcms256.1 eugh yn fen 3y 3yschyblon mcms256.2 ha leuerough wy 3e3e mcms256.3 ha 3e pedyr dos yn scon mcms256.4 erbyn 3e alyle mcms256.5 ena crist an kuf colon mcms256.6 wy an kyff yn lowene mcms256.7 del leuerys y honon mcms256.8 yn kyg yn goys ow pewe

mcms257.1 gans henna y a drylyas mcms257.2 confortis ha lowenek mcms257.3 hag eth tus crist rag whelas mcms257.4 hag as cafos more3ek mcms257.5 y lauarsons ol an cas mcms257.6 y 3e3ons yn vn tonek mcms257.7 bys yn galyle 3y whelas mcms257.8 ha 3e gows worth ihesus wek

mcms258.1 pan de3ons 3e alyle mcms258.2 ihesus crist y a welas mcms258.3 yn y 3ensys ow pewe mcms258.4 den apert ha mur y ras mcms258.5 ol y beyn yntremense mcms258.6 ha trylys ens yn ioy bras mcms258.7 hag a vyth 3ynny neffre mcms258.8 mar a cresyn ha bos vas

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English translation

mcen001.1 May Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost grant to you who pray with a full mcen001.2 heart, grace and a desire to hear his passion, and to me grace and mcen001.3 knowledge to tell it in words that it may be to the glory of god and for mcen001.4 the salvation of souls. mcen001.5 mcen001.6 mcen001.7 mcen001.8

mcen002.1 Let all who wish to be saved listen to my words about how Jesus was mcen002.2 hunted on earth like a stag; for us often rebuked and cruelly despised; mcen002.3 to the cross secured with nails; tortured till he was dead. mcen002.4 mcen002.5 mcen002.6 mcen002.7 mcen002.8

mcen003.1 Indeed, God, through the power of the Father, the Son through his mcen003.2 great wisdom when he accepted a virgin's flesh, and the holy ghost full mcen003.3 of grace, through his goodness by which he who could do no sin willingly mcen003.4 suffered torture, prepared help for us. mcen003.5 mcen003.6 mcen003.7 mcen003.8

mcen004.1 The good people wanted for themselves the Kingdom of Heaven which had mcen004.2 been lost. jesus christ was moved by their cries and lamentations so mcen004.3 that his will was to come down into a virgin and be born to redeem us mcen004.4 with his flesh. lord god, how happy we are! mcen004.5 mcen004.6 mcen004.7 mcen004.8

mcen005.1 Jesus Christ showed great love to mankind when he came down to earth mcen005.2 from the height where he was, to redeem sinners who had been deceived by mcen005.3 satan. therefore let us always praise jesus who redeemed us. mcen005.4 mcen005.5 mcen005.6 mcen005.7 mcen005.8

mcen006.1 The tortures he suffered were not for himself alone but for the mcen006.2 people of the world as they were found (to be) so frail. the devil spoke mcen006.3 to adam: ``the apple, you take a bit! you will become like god ! when mcen006.4 he tried it, in no way was it so! mcen006.5 mcen006.6 mcen006.7 mcen006.8

mcen007.1 After mankind had sinned, the reason he was redeemed is that Jesus mcen007.2 christ ordained that he should dwell in heaven. he did not intend that mcen007.3 he should be lost. by him his plan was made. therefore he prepared a way mcen007.4 for everyone to be saved. mcen007.5 mcen007.6 mcen007.7 mcen007.8

mcen008.1 Although I am not a very learned man, I will tell you what I know: mcen008.2 how an accord was made between god and sinner. because our sin was so mcen008.3 great, an intermediary was made between them. he was christ who came mcen008.4 down to earth. he was the son of god and man alike. mcen008.5 mcen008.6 mcen008.7 mcen008.8

mcen009.1 He begged his Father for us that all his wrath should be remitted, mcen009.2 that our sin should be redeemed with his body through extreme torture. mcen009.3 mary's son, full of grace - all his will was heard and all he desired mcen009.4 was granted to him. mcen009.5 mcen009.6 mcen009.7 mcen009.8

mcen010.1 When his Mother brought him up, and when he was come of age, he mcen010.2 continued to do penance. that was no hardship for him. for forty days he mcen010.3 spent his flesh and blood in fasting, and eventually, because he was mcen010.4 human, he had a craving for food. mcen010.5 mcen010.6 mcen010.7 mcen010.8

mcen011.1 And when the devil heard this, he thought he would tempt him and he mcen011.2 showed him a heap of stones and said, ``if you are god's beloved son, mcen011.3 make these stones bread for yourself. jesus christ answered him mcen011.4 exactly as he intended: mcen011.5 mcen011.6 mcen011.7 mcen011.8

mcen012.1 ``Man does not find all his life in bread alone, but in the good mcen012.2 words that come from god. now we can see by christ's answer at that mcen012.3 time how the word of god feeds whoever will hear it. mcen012.4 mcen012.5 mcen012.6 mcen012.7 mcen012.8

mcen013.1 When he saw that he could not trick him at all with gluttony, the mcen013.2 evil angel decided to tempt him in another way. he put him to sit mcen013.3 dangerously on a pinnacle. the seat was above a beautiful church in the mcen013.4 land. mcen013.5 mcen013.6 mcen013.7 mcen013.8

mcen014.1 The devil spoke to Christ thus to tempt him: ``It is written of you mcen014.2 that angels are guarding you for fear you were going to stumble by mcen014.3 catching your foot on a stone. if you are god's son of great worth, come mcen014.4 and drop down to the ground. mcen014.5 mcen014.6 mcen014.7 mcen014.8

mcen015.1 Jesus Christ said, ``You must not tempt your God into any kind of mcen015.2 enthralment, but always honour him. and again the devil cast a plan of mcen015.3 another kind to see if, in some way involving greed, he could make him mcen015.4 change his mind. mcen015.5 mcen015.6 mcen015.7 mcen015.8

mcen016.1 From there, he led him high up to the top of a mountain, and showed mcen016.2 him gold and silver, grass and trees, and the devil said, ``you shall mcen016.3 have all there is of value in the world, and i will make you a great mcen016.4 lord if you are willing to honour me. mcen016.5 mcen016.6 mcen016.7 mcen016.8

mcen017.1 Jesus Christ said that it was written in the Scriptures, ``In mcen017.2 everything that is done you must worship your god and his name. go away, mcen017.3 accursed one, to a desert in darkness. your dominion over souls will be mcen017.4 destroyed for ever. mcen017.5 mcen017.6 mcen017.7 mcen017.8

mcen018.1 The devil turned angrily and went home to his lair. Three times he mcen018.2 was overcome. it is right for us to curse him. to jesus were sent mcen018.3 heavenly angels from the father to be ready indeed to support him there. mcen018.4 mcen018.5 mcen018.6 mcen018.7 mcen018.8

mcen019.1 And since Satan thought he would tempt Christ, Son of the Supreme mcen019.2 lord, with his treachery, malice and cunning, it is important for you to mcen019.3 be humble and diligent in your service so that the evil one cannot be mcen019.4 turned upon you. mcen019.5 mcen019.6 mcen019.7 mcen019.8

mcen020.1 For you may be sure, and see indeed that he is always waylaying you mcen020.2 to your shame and disgrace, you who cannot keep yourself from sinning mcen020.3 for a single moment in the day! after all, he undertook to tempt him who mcen020.4 could not commit sin! mcen020.5 mcen020.6 mcen020.7 mcen020.8

mcen021.1 As it is written, he is always round about us with violence in case mcen021.2 he can bring us from the good to do evil. much more furiously he seeks mcen021.3 us than does a lion his prey. if he could bring a man to woe, never mcen021.4 would he desire more joy. mcen021.5 mcen021.6 mcen021.7 mcen021.8

mcen022.1 Though you are tempted by the devil, do not give a halfpenny for him! mcen022.2 for it is written in many places that it is put into your power both to mcen022.3 stand and to fall, and though you are cast down by him, you may rise mcen022.4 again. that is a comfort for you ! mcen022.5 mcen022.6 mcen022.7 mcen022.8

mcen023.1 Jesus Christ preached in the country round about all the time, and mcen023.2 the substance of the preaching was that mankind should cease from mcen023.3 sinning so that his sin as well as his evil might be forgiven him, lest mcen023.4 the kingdom of heaven be taken away from him and given to others. mcen023.5 mcen023.6 mcen023.7 mcen023.8

mcen024.1 Blessed is he who loves God beyond everything there is in the world, mcen024.2 and who will meekly suffer all that is ordained for him, whether it is mcen024.3 illness or dispersion of wealth, or being shut up in prison. for all mcen024.4 good and bad alike, let jesus be thanked. mcen024.5 mcen024.6 mcen024.7 mcen024.8

mcen025.1 Wherever he went in the country, Jesus Christ healed the sick. He did mcen025.2 not abandon the blind or the deaf or the dumb - not one, nor any mcen025.3 bedridden invalid. if he prayed with a full heart, straight away he mcen025.4 would be cured in accordance with the will of christ himself. mcen025.5 mcen025.6 mcen025.7 mcen025.8

mcen026.1 When the Jews saw that Jesus Christ was exercising power, caring for mcen026.2 people in need and that he paid no heed to them, for that reason the mcen026.3 cra3y ones bore him malice. because of arrogance in their hearts they mcen026.4 attempted to destroy him. mcen026.5 mcen026.6 mcen026.7 mcen026.8

mcen027.1 When he was among his apostles on Palm Sunday, he made some of them mcen027.2 go to the town and untie the ass and bring it with them, and if any man mcen027.3 came to prevent it, to say indeed that it was on god's business. mcen027.4 mcen027.5 mcen027.6 mcen027.7 mcen027.8

mcen028.1 Straight away they did as Jesus instructed; all his will as he mcen028.2 intended. the ass was fetched. a cloth garment was placed upon it for mcen028.3 sitting on, because he wanted to ride to the city to be honoured. mcen028.4 mcen028.5 mcen028.6 mcen028.7 mcen028.8

mcen029.1 Many men and women of Jerusalem came into the town towards Christ in mcen029.2 order to see him and honour him. on the road clothes were spread out mcen029.3 before him. palms and flowers also were carried to meet him. mcen029.4 mcen029.5 mcen029.6 mcen029.7 mcen029.8

mcen030.1 There was a wholehearted cry with much joy and gladness: ``Blessed is mcen030.2 he who comes among us in the name of god! christ found traders in the mcen030.3 temples inside the town. he made them go away from there quickly. mcen030.4 mcen030.5 mcen030.6 mcen030.7 mcen030.8

mcen031.1 The wicked were angry because Christ was honoured and because his mcen031.2 work was so great and known throughout all the world. they made a plan mcen031.3 which was not any good to destroy jesus and they accused him so much mcen031.4 that the town was in an uproar. mcen031.5 mcen031.6 mcen031.7 mcen031.8

mcen032.1 The plan was that a sinful woman should be brought before Christ so mcen032.2 that he might give a decision of his own accord as to what was to be mcen032.3 done in her case. ``for the laws which we have will condemn her mcen032.4 outright, they said. ``there is no way in which she may be made blameless. mcen032.5 mcen032.6 mcen032.7 mcen032.8

mcen033.1 Christ had come to the place and the Jews were truculent. The woman mcen033.2 was with them. they were prepared to accuse her. while they were making mcen033.3 a charge jesus wrote on the ground and by the power of what he wrote mcen033.4 everyone went away. mcen033.5 mcen033.6 mcen033.7 mcen033.8

mcen034.1 When they all went away (they had been embarrassed) Christ said to mcen034.2 her, ``where is he who wants to accuse you? ``there is no one, she mcen034.3 said. jesus spoke again: ``well then, i do not condemn you. go and sin mcen034.4 no more. mcen034.5 mcen034.6 mcen034.7 mcen034.8

mcen035.1 Out of great love a woman wanted to break her rich box of perfume mcen035.2 over christ to anoint him. indeed it was quite clearly done to refresh mcen035.3 the body of jesus. judas iscariot accused her very unjustly. mcen035.4 mcen035.5 mcen035.6 mcen035.7 mcen035.8

mcen036.1 False Judas said, ``Let the whole box be sold for three hundred pence mcen036.2 in cash to be shared among the poor in the world. it would be better mcen036.3 than wasting it. jesus christ answered (he knew what was in his mind): mcen036.4 mcen036.5 mcen036.6 mcen036.7 mcen036.8

mcen037.1 ``Do not bear anger in your hearts towards the one who wants to save mcen037.2 me. my time will soon come. i shall have no dwelling with you. you will mcen037.3 have the poor calling upon you all the time. you yourselves can do good mcen037.4 for them whenever you want. mcen037.5 mcen037.6 mcen037.7 mcen037.8

mcen038.1 At once Judas grew angry. He did not speak out of love but to get a mcen038.2 big share of the fund if he could. he was a rogue, a villain. he had mcen038.3 been a thief to the end. he ran to sell christ his lord to the jews. mcen038.4 mcen038.5 mcen038.6 mcen038.7 mcen038.8

mcen039.1 He said to them, ``What will you give me if I do indeed make you mcen039.2 successful in finding christ? they agreed among themselves that they mcen039.3 would give him thirty in cash in payment, just as he asked. mcen039.4 mcen039.5 mcen039.6 mcen039.7 mcen039.8

mcen040.1 Returning again (without equal as a bad bargainer; no one can work mcen040.2 out how much he lost on the deal) judas greeted jesus falsely, as if he mcen040.3 were being affectionate. in the end his heart did not accord with his mcen040.4 speech. mcen040.5 mcen040.6 mcen040.7 mcen040.8

mcen041.1 Just as he intended, so it was plotted by Judas to bring Jesus. He mcen041.2 was in christ's company but they were never comrades. the day was maundy mcen041.3 thursday when jesus intended to have supper with those in his service on mcen041.4 earth whom he had chosen. mcen041.5 mcen041.6 mcen041.7 mcen041.8

mcen042.1 Christ sent two men to buy food and drink. These same men made good mcen042.2 speed and supper was prepared. at the supper christ warned that mcen042.3 treachery would be done by one. ``lord god, they cried. ``who can that mcen042.4 be? mcen042.5 mcen042.6 mcen042.7 mcen042.8

mcen043.1 Jesus Christ replied, ``He is eating with us. Every one called out, mcen043.2 ``lord god, am i that one? and jesus answered, ``he is eating from my mcen043.3 dish. woe to him that ever he was born from his mother's womb into this mcen043.4 world. mcen043.5 mcen043.6 mcen043.7 mcen043.8

mcen044.1 God blessed the bread in the presence of his apostles. ``This is my mcen044.2 body, said christ. ``this night, it will surely be despised for you mcen044.3 who are redeemed in this world. he who eats it in good faith will mcen044.4 receive a fair reward. mcen044.5 mcen044.6 mcen044.7 mcen044.8

mcen045.1 And the wine which was on the table he shared among them. ``This is mcen045.2 (my) blood, said christ. ``drink out of love. with water put into a mcen045.3 basin he washed their legs. he made them pure white from end to end as mcen045.4 was the will of a loving god. mcen045.5 mcen045.6 mcen045.7 mcen045.8

mcen046.1 Then Peter refused that Jesus should wash his feet. ``Quiet, Peter, mcen046.2 said christ. ``you do not know what i am doing for you. if i do not wash mcen046.3 you by my grace you will not dwell in heaven. peter said, ``leave mcen046.4 neither my foot nor my hand unwashed. mcen046.5 mcen046.6 mcen046.7 mcen046.8

mcen047.1 Jesus Christ, full of pity, said to the twelve, ``You are innocent of mcen047.2 all vileness, but you are not all good or sweet. he knew that judas mcen047.3 was quite hideous and accursed. the devil had dwelt in him so that he mcen047.4 was worse than a toad. mcen047.5 mcen047.6 mcen047.7 mcen047.8

mcen048.1 When Christ had done this he said to Judas, ``Hurry away so that your mcen048.2 purpose may be fulfilled, for the time has come when the shepherd will mcen048.3 be forfeit and taken into custody and the sheep will run away. mcen048.4 mcen048.5 mcen048.6 mcen048.7 mcen048.8

mcen049.1 ``Though all fail, said Peter, ``I shall be in your service. mcen049.2 christ said, ``this very night, before the cock is heard, peter, you mcen049.3 will deny me three times that i was ever lord unto you. peter said, mcen049.4 ``upon my faith, i will not deny you even though i am slain. mcen049.5 mcen049.6 mcen049.7 mcen049.8

mcen050.1 Christ said, ``Since I made you follow me, ill-clad and barelegged, mcen050.2 you have not carried any holder to put anything into. nevertheless you mcen050.3 do not know what need we had. ``lord, you have spoken the truth, mcen050.4 they said among themselves. mcen050.5 mcen050.6 mcen050.7 mcen050.8

mcen051.1 ``But it is now very important to do battle rather than sleep. Let mcen051.2 him who has a cloak sell it and buy himself a sword. ``indeed we have mcen051.3 two ready, they said at once. ``that is enough. no more are needed, mcen051.4 god said once more. mcen051.5 mcen051.6 mcen051.7 mcen051.8

mcen052.1 Mary's Son, full of grace, went to the Mount of Olives and his mcen052.2 disciples followed him. christ said, ``this night keep watch and pray to mcen052.3 my father that you may go to his seat and so you will not be tempted mcen052.4 beyond nature by falsehood and wickedness. mcen052.5 mcen052.6 mcen052.7 mcen052.8

mcen053.1 ``Peter, Andrew and John, said Christ, ``come, follow me to the mcen053.2 mountain. because i am weak, sorrow is sapping my strength. he went a mcen053.3 little way from them so that he could pray to his father who is ever mcen053.4 above, although he was shaking with fear. mcen053.5 mcen053.6 mcen053.7 mcen053.8

mcen054.1 Mary's Son was suffering much pain at that time for he was perfectly mcen054.2 aware (of his fate) and the flesh did not want that, but his manhood mcen054.3 which was so perfect turned him all the time to these things, so that he mcen054.4 went down on his knees and prayed thus: mcen054.5 mcen054.6 mcen054.7 mcen054.8

mcen055.1 ``If it is your will, my Father, make this pain leave me, but let mcen055.2 your will be done, lord god, whatever it may be. he returned to his mcen055.3 disciples. he found them all sleeping. christ said, ``can you not stay mcen055.4 awake one moment to give me strength? mcen055.5 mcen055.6 mcen055.7 mcen055.8

mcen056.1 Then Christ definitely left them and went again to pray for us on his mcen056.2 knees to his father as he had said. his pains were strong and great upon mcen056.3 him without being deserved. the reason was that he knew he was gong to mcen056.4 die for all the land. mcen056.5 mcen056.6 mcen056.7 mcen056.8

mcen057.1 Christ, who was God and Man, said again to his apostles, ``Stay awake mcen057.2 and pray earnestly for fear of the devil and his domination. a third mcen057.3 time, as he was trembling, he prayed, ``god, deliver me! lord, if it mcen057.4 cannot be otherwise, let it be as you will. mcen057.5 mcen057.6 mcen057.7 mcen057.8

mcen058.1 When Jesus Christ was on his knees in distress, an angel was sent to mcen058.2 him from heaven to give him strength. the son of god was so oppressed mcen058.3 because of the heat that he was sweating water and blood mixed together mcen058.4 - the sweat of christ for your sake. mcen058.5 mcen058.6 mcen058.7 mcen058.8

mcen059.1 Christ had so much pain, cruel anguish and suffering that the blood mcen059.2 came and dropped on his face, the beloved. no man can reckon nor say in mcen059.3 words all the torment which he had before he was dead. mcen059.4 mcen059.5 mcen059.6 mcen059.7 mcen059.8

mcen060.1 Now we can see and be quite convinced that Christ, as Man, suffered mcen060.2 much penance in this world. he could not, as god, experience either evil mcen060.3 or good, because he was master over the world, and everything there is, mcen060.4 he makes. mcen060.5 mcen060.6 mcen060.7 mcen060.8

mcen061.1 When his prayers were done he said to the twelve, ``Sleep now if it mcen061.2 is time; rest, you are worn out. men are coming to me who have been told mcen061.3 by my betrayer how they are to come and take me and how i shall be led mcen061.4 (away). mcen061.5 mcen061.6 mcen061.7 mcen061.8

mcen062.1 Just as God said, when Christ was praying Judas went off on his mcen062.2 business. it is the devil who was leading him. he intended to continue mcen062.3 as he was, an informer to the jews. he was destroyed by greed. so it is mcen062.4 with many a one. mcen062.5 mcen062.6 mcen062.7 mcen062.8

mcen063.1 When he had come to the Jews, he said, as they were coming, ``I look mcen063.2 forward to succeeding well in my business tonight. come with me and mcen063.3 follow me. be sure you do not make a noise, and i will kiss christ so mcen063.4 that you may recognise him. mcen063.5 mcen063.6 mcen063.7 mcen063.8

mcen064.1 The princes who were in the land with Judas sent strong men clad in mcen064.2 armour as if they were going to battle . they carried a light with them. mcen064.3 it was night. they could not see very well. they went up to beloved mcen064.4 jesus as judas directed. mcen064.5 mcen064.6 mcen064.7 mcen064.8

mcen065.1 When they had come to the place where Christ was praying, the savage mcen065.2 cur judas said, ``joy to you, master. he greeted him falsely and mcen065.3 kissed him gravely. he intended, in fact, to do otherwise than as he mcen065.4 showed. mcen065.5 mcen065.6 mcen065.7 mcen065.8

mcen066.1 Jesus spoke very courteously: ``Judas, by your kiss which you give so mcen066.2 sweetly you intend to deliver me to those who will torture me cruelly. mcen066.3 the curse of mankind, both male and female, will come directly upon you. mcen066.4 tortures will make you sorrowful in deep hell for all time. mcen066.5 mcen066.6 mcen066.7 mcen066.8

mcen067.1 Jesus Christ asked the people who came there with the traitor in his mcen067.2 service, ``what is it that you want? they replied, ``it is jesus, if mcen067.3 only we could find him. the lord replied, ``i am he indeed. mcen067.4 mcen067.5 mcen067.6 mcen067.7 mcen067.8

mcen068.1 Truly, because of the power of Christ's words when he said, ``I am he mcen068.2 whom you seek, they fell back. through fear they changed colour. mcen068.3 through weakness they fell. in no way were they in a fit state to act mcen068.4 beyond his will! mcen068.5 mcen068.6 mcen068.7 mcen068.8

mcen069.1 Christ asked the foolish Jews again, ``What is your business? Who is mcen069.2 it that you seek? ``jesus christ of na3areth, they answered. jesus mcen069.3 said, ``i am he. now exercise your authority. mcen069.4 mcen069.5 mcen069.6 mcen069.7 mcen069.8

mcen070.1 Straight away they arrested him and held him between them. They mcen070.2 mocked him with words. power was granted to them to do as they wished. mcen070.3 in this way he willed it to be possible for him to die with great pains mcen070.4 for your sake. mcen070.5 mcen070.6 mcen070.7 mcen070.8

mcen071.1 Peter on the one side drew out a sword and cut off the ear of one of mcen071.2 them close to the head. christ set the ear completely back in its place mcen071.3 and restored it very comfortably, as handsomely as it had been. mcen071.4 mcen071.5 mcen071.6 mcen071.7 mcen071.8

mcen072.1 ``Put your sword into its sheath, Christ commanded Peter, ``for he mcen072.2 who lives by the sword shall be slain by the sword. twelve legions of mcen072.3 angels and more would be sent from heaven one after another with great mcen072.4 readiness if i wished to pray to my father for myself. mcen072.5 mcen072.6 mcen072.7 mcen072.8

mcen073.1 ``And if it were thus, I would never be defeated. How would the story mcen073.2 of my life then be? it is written in the scriptures (and) told by the mcen073.3 prophets in many places: `it is entirely necessary that my father's will mcen073.4 be followed without dispute. mcen073.5 mcen073.6 mcen073.7 mcen073.8

mcen074.1 Jesus spoke again. ``You have come to me armed, treacherously, mcen074.2 furtively, with shields and swords to arrest me, to harm me, to torture mcen074.3 me to death, just as if i were the most arrant thief in the land. mcen074.4 mcen074.5 mcen074.6 mcen074.7 mcen074.8

mcen075.1 ``When I was among you, teaching you God's laws, there was no power mcen075.2 at all to fetter or hold me. now another time has come. my father has mcen075.3 granted me to you, full of sin for aught i know, to exercise your mcen075.4 supremacy. mcen075.5 mcen075.6 mcen075.7 mcen075.8

mcen076.1 Then they tied his arms tightly with thongs so that the blood gushed mcen076.2 out as they had tightened the knots. they took him with them just at mcen076.3 midnight, to their prince annas who was a great magistrate in the land. mcen076.4 mcen076.5 mcen076.6 mcen076.7 mcen076.8

mcen077.1 Christ's men escaped each his own way in great grief. Only Peter mcen077.2 followed christ some way off as one afraid, to the court of prince mcen077.3 annas. there, there was a seating area. he sat in it to hear the voice mcen077.4 of gentle jesus. mcen077.5 mcen077.6 mcen077.7 mcen077.8

mcen078.1 At once the prince said, ``You, Christ, tell me, where are your men mcen078.2 who are so bold and whom you have trained? why do they not come with you mcen078.3 here? the laws that you preached, demonstrate now whether they are mcen078.4 good. and jesus answered, as he intended at that time: mcen078.5 mcen078.6 mcen078.7 mcen078.8

mcen079.1 ``Very openly and in the light I told my doctrine, my laws and my mcen079.2 sayings. whoever wanted to, heard. wherever i went in the towns i mcen079.3 declared them clearly. i did not speak in the dark, whispering behind mcen079.4 people. mcen079.5 mcen079.6 mcen079.7 mcen079.8

mcen080.1 ``What do you ask of me and my laws? If you will, ask those who have mcen080.2 heard them. they can instruct you just as they have learned. thus, mcen080.3 without disrespect jesus spoke to him. mcen080.4 mcen080.5 mcen080.6 mcen080.7 mcen080.8

mcen081.1 Thereupon one of the Jews stood up and immediately gave Christ a blow mcen081.2 by his ear, and to jesus himself the villain said, ``who put it into mcen081.3 your heart to speak thus to a magistrate? mcen081.4 mcen081.5 mcen081.6 mcen081.7 mcen081.8

mcen082.1 Jesus said then, ``If I have told a lie and that is not pleasing to mcen082.2 you and false, you produce the evidence. but if i have spoken well and mcen082.3 held to the truth, why do you strike me thus? it is nothing but mcen082.4 villainy. mcen082.5 mcen082.6 mcen082.7 mcen082.8

mcen083.1 Then Peter saw Christ (suffer) much ill-treatment; mocking him, mcen083.2 punching him and spitting in his eyes, and because of fear, he could not mcen083.3 speak a good word for jesus. this was an act of falsehood, a promise mcen083.4 that was not kept. mcen083.5 mcen083.6 mcen083.7 mcen083.8

mcen084.1 A woman boldly insisted to Peter that he dwelt with Jesus. mcen084.2 immediately he denied his lord. ``silence, i have seen you with mcen084.3 christ, another woman said. peter spoke again: ``i never knew him. mcen084.4 mcen084.5 mcen084.6 mcen084.7 mcen084.8

mcen085.1 Many people said, ``It is no use at all your denying it. It is proved mcen085.2 by your speech that you are a man of galilee. straight away he swore mcen085.3 as great an oath as he could that he had not dwelt with christ and that mcen085.4 he had never seen him. mcen085.5 mcen085.6 mcen085.7 mcen085.8

mcen086.1 Immediately upon that he heard the cock crowing and Christ gazed upon mcen086.2 him from the great torments he was in. then peter abruptly withdrew as mcen086.3 he had sinned by denying god full of grace, although he had been warned. mcen086.4 mcen086.5 mcen086.6 mcen086.7 mcen086.8

mcen087.1 At once he turned away and his heart was almost breaking because he mcen087.2 had so heinously denied his lord, full of grace. he would not eat food mcen087.3 but wept all the time until christ sent to him to say that he was coming mcen087.4 to galilee. mcen087.5 mcen087.6 mcen087.7 mcen087.8

mcen088.1 Jesus was sent away from prince Annas immediately with strong men to mcen088.2 the bishop caiaphas for christ to be judged by him entirely at his will mcen088.3 and pleasure. many people had assembled against him to accuse him. mcen088.4 mcen088.5 mcen088.6 mcen088.7 mcen088.8

mcen089.1 Because he was over priests, a great authority in the land, it was mcen089.2 put into his heart to do thus, so he said, ``it is entirely necessary mcen089.3 for one to die for the people of the land, the people of jesus himself, mcen089.4 so that they will not dwell with satan. mcen089.5 mcen089.6 mcen089.7 mcen089.8

mcen090.1 The Jews sought witnesses among themselves to punish Christ and mcen090.2 destroy him. they did not speak in a proper manner but they were intent mcen090.3 on telling lies against god through malice. they had come from false mcen090.4 men, the very worst thieves in the land. mcen090.5 mcen090.6 mcen090.7 mcen090.8

mcen091.1 And two bore witness that they had heard him saying indeed that he mcen091.2 would destroy the mighty temple and after this build it by a miracle mcen091.3 without fail on the third day. by great power he would raise it so that mcen091.4 it had never been better. mcen091.5 mcen091.6 mcen091.7 mcen091.8

mcen092.1 He who was master and magistrate spoke to Jesus: ``All those who are mcen092.2 gathered here have accused you very clearly and you have not spoken a mcen092.3 word. defend yourself now if you can. jesus endured it all and would mcen092.4 not answer him. mcen092.5 mcen092.6 mcen092.7 mcen092.8

mcen093.1 Caiaphas spoke again: ``In God's name, say if you are God as you mcen093.2 asserted. ``i am, said christ gently. ``i shall be dwelling in mcen093.3 heaven on the right hand by my father. you will see me coming as god mcen093.4 himself, without any doubt! mcen093.5 mcen093.6 mcen093.7 mcen093.8

mcen094.1 Caiaphas indeed became angry and then went quite mad and tore his mcen094.2 clothes when christ spoke thus. he declared in great anger, ``there is mcen094.3 no need for us to seek witnesses good or bad to condemn this man. mcen094.4 mcen094.5 mcen094.6 mcen094.7 mcen094.8

mcen095.1 ``Oh yes! You heard him speaking. Say whether he shall be saved! mcen095.2 all together they shouted, ``he is worthy to be slain! they mocked him mcen095.3 with grimaces. they spat in his face. ``you are god's son, full of mcen095.4 grace! they said in mockery. mcen095.5 mcen095.6 mcen095.7 mcen095.8

mcen096.1 They were covering his head with a cloth so that he could not see a mcen096.2 thing, but nevertheless wreaking injury and evil upon jesus christ, mcen096.3 gnashing their teeth at him like savage curs. but christ said not one mcen096.4 word against them. mcen096.5 mcen096.6 mcen096.7 mcen096.8

mcen097.1 While tormenting him they covered his head with a cloth, and all the mcen097.2 people who were in the town, and the princes in the land also and many mcen097.3 people with them on the right indeed and on the left came to christ to mcen097.4 destroy him and bring him shamefully to the ground. mcen097.5 mcen097.6 mcen097.7 mcen097.8

mcen098.1 They went with Jesus to Pilate who was a magistrate for him to give mcen098.2 judgement about him so that he could be slain through his verdict. they mcen098.3 said without pity, ``our traitor is found. he must be condemned to death mcen098.4 by you at once. mcen098.5 mcen098.6 mcen098.7 mcen098.8

mcen099.1 Pilate said, ``What charge do you press against him? ``If it were mcen099.2 not that this man is false, we would not have brought him to you. he mcen099.3 said, ``then you also condemn him by means of law. they said, ``we mcen099.4 condemn a man even though he is a thief?! mcen099.5 mcen099.6 mcen099.7 mcen099.8

mcen100.1 When Pilate saw this; so much opposition to him; rulers and rich men mcen100.2 in the land; such foolish and cruel reasons, pilate asked him a question mcen100.3 of this sort, ``are you the son of god, full of grace? now tell us the mcen100.4 truth. mcen100.5 mcen100.6 mcen100.7 mcen100.8

mcen101.1 Christ the Beloved said, ``You have spoken very truly. Did you know mcen101.2 this yourself or were you told by others? pilate spoke at once: ``you mcen101.3 were sent to me. tell me yourself what is the bad thing you have done! mcen101.4 mcen101.5 mcen101.6 mcen101.7 mcen101.8

mcen102.1 Jesus said, ``My dominion is not in this world, and if it were my mcen102.2 men would not have delivered me to you in this way. ``so you are a mcen102.3 king? said pilate then. ``you have spoken the truth indeed, said mcen102.4 christ. ``i am a king. mcen102.5 mcen102.6 mcen102.7 mcen102.8

mcen103.1 Then, when Judas saw that Christ would not save his life, the money mcen103.2 which he took in payment for christ's body, he threw in great anger mcen103.3 among the jews. ``he is a holy man, full of grace whom i have sold, he mcen103.4 said. mcen103.5 mcen103.6 mcen103.7 mcen103.8

mcen104.1 Judas Iscariot spoke again in the same way. ``I have sinned most mcen104.2 mightily in selling jesus to you. well i know that he is worthy. i shall mcen104.3 never have forgiveness! it was a greater sin when he scorned him than mcen104.4 when he sold him. mcen104.5 mcen104.6 mcen104.7 mcen104.8

mcen105.1 And the Jews said, ``What is that to us? We bought him from you and mcen105.2 paid you promptly. immediately judas went away to hang himself. he mcen105.3 found the means all ready; a rope strong enough to hold him. mcen105.4 mcen105.5 mcen105.6 mcen105.7 mcen105.8

mcen106.1 The soul of Judas could not come out of his mouth because his mouth mcen106.2 kissed jesus full of grace. the devils in hell tore the body of judas mcen106.3 all to pieces, and from it carried his soul into darkness. mcen106.4 mcen106.5 mcen106.6 mcen106.7 mcen106.8

mcen107.1 To destroy Christ the Jews said spitefully, ``Pilate, you are a mcen107.2 magistrate. be sure to condemn jesus. he came to us of jerusalem from mcen107.3 galilee, teaching new laws, converting many to him. mcen107.4 mcen107.5 mcen107.6 mcen107.7 mcen107.8

mcen108.1 When Pilate heard from them that Jesus was from Galilee (Pilate knew mcen108.2 that herod was king over the land) for that reason he sent christ to him mcen108.3 for him to condemn him. a great crowd of people followed, ready to mcen108.4 revile him all the time. mcen108.5 mcen108.6 mcen108.7 mcen108.8

mcen109.1 They went to Herod and Christ with them securely bound. He was mcen109.2 anxious to see christ because he was so highly acclaimed, in case he mcen109.3 could hear from him some strange new tale, and eventually twist round mcen109.4 what christ had to say when it had been heard. mcen109.5 mcen109.6 mcen109.7 mcen109.8

mcen110.1 Indeed, Herod bore Pilate a serious grudge. He did not want to see mcen110.2 him or be on terms of friendship with him, until pilate sent jesus to mcen110.3 him to condemn him. at that moment they became especially good friends. mcen110.4 mcen110.5 mcen110.6 mcen110.7 mcen110.8

mcen111.1 Herod asked Jesus Christ many things and he answered nothing so that mcen111.2 he was ama3ed at that. the jews said, ``he bears us witness that he mcen111.3 wants to be held up as a king and a great master in this world. mcen111.4 mcen111.5 mcen111.6 mcen111.7 mcen111.8

mcen112.1 Whatever he had said they then rebuked him for it when he was before mcen112.2 the three, annas, pilate and caiaphas. very wickedly they beat him and mcen112.3 mocked him spitefully. whoever did him the most harm, he would be the mcen112.4 best fellow. mcen112.5 mcen112.6 mcen112.7 mcen112.8

mcen113.1 Herod said to the Jews, ``Go in haste to Pilate your magistrate, for mcen113.2 i consider him a true honest man, and tell him that all my wrath is mcen113.3 abated; let him be happy, and my authority is granted to him to judge mcen113.4 the man. mcen113.5 mcen113.6 mcen113.7 mcen113.8

mcen114.1 They dressed Christ in white. They mocked him like a madman and beat mcen114.2 him most cruelly. nevertheless he did not speak a word, and they led him mcen114.3 to pilate who was their magistrate in order to get the advantage over mcen114.4 jesus christ to kill him. mcen114.5 mcen114.6 mcen114.7 mcen114.8

mcen115.1 Those who were bondsmen to the great devil said to Pilate, ``Cheer mcen115.2 up. don't be downcast. herod has sent you a greeting. much love towards mcen115.3 you has steadfastly entered his heart and he will yet repay you for mcen115.4 honouring him as you have done. mcen115.5 mcen115.6 mcen115.7 mcen115.8

mcen116.1 ``And he has sent you his authority to judge Christ, and we advise mcen116.2 you, do not leave his will unfollowed. pilate said, ``upon my word i mcen116.3 do not find a good reason. nor did he ever find a reason why it should mcen116.4 be necessary to condemn him. mcen116.5 mcen116.6 mcen116.7 mcen116.8

mcen117.1 They all set upon Pilate and shouted at him because they urgently mcen117.2 wanted to bring jesus christ to death. pilate said, ``it is necessary to mcen117.3 give a penalty according to the gravity of the offence. i do not find mcen117.4 any more than before a just reason to condemn him. mcen117.5 mcen117.6 mcen117.7 mcen117.8

mcen118.1 The Jews urgently wanted him to be put to death. They were giving mcen118.2 reasons for it but they were falsely based. pilate knew that, therefore mcen118.3 he had him sent immediately to caiaphas to judge him. mcen118.4 mcen118.5 mcen118.6 mcen118.7 mcen118.8

mcen119.1 Caiaphas brought him again to Pilate who was chief magistrate and he mcen119.2 went and advised him that jesus christ should be slain. the jews were mcen119.3 shouting that he had been found to be an absolute traitor, that whatever mcen119.4 he had done was completely evil, and that a great lie had been heard from him. mcen119.5 mcen119.6 mcen119.7 mcen119.8

mcen120.1 Pilate said, ``I wonder that you suffer so much evil and make no mcen120.2 counter charge against them. do you not see all the blame they are mcen120.3 laying upon you, alas, and giving you wicked blows? yet you do not mcen120.4 protest! mcen120.5 mcen120.6 mcen120.7 mcen120.8

mcen121.1 Pilate said to the traitor who was with him, ``I cannot find any mcen121.2 reason in christ why he must die. the jews called out, ``there are mcen121.3 laws in this region by which it is necessary to slay at once anyone who mcen121.4 makes himself a king. mcen121.5 mcen121.6 mcen121.7 mcen121.8

mcen122.1 The evil angel was afraid that Christ was the Son of God in Heaven. mcen122.2 therefore he quickly went to pilate's wife where she was, and the evil mcen122.3 angel, an ugly serpent put it into her heart that a mighty vengeance mcen122.4 would come upon her lord if he slew jesus. mcen122.5 mcen122.6 mcen122.7 mcen122.8

mcen123.1 She sent to her husband by a messenger to say how she had seen (a mcen123.2 vision) of christ in this way (saying), ``it is not for you to slay mcen123.3 christ who is considered to be a great holy man, to satisfy anyone, for mcen123.4 tonight i saw that vengeance would come and slay you. mcen123.5 mcen123.6 mcen123.7 mcen123.8

mcen124.1 There was one in prison. He was called Barabbas. He was imprisoned mcen124.2 for treachery and for murder also. it was the custom of the jews on the mcen124.3 day of the passover to ask the magistrate for one man from the prison mcen124.4 and for that one to be set free. mcen124.5 mcen124.6 mcen124.7 mcen124.8

mcen125.1 Pilate would have liked to preserve the life of Jesus by a subterfuge, and he spoke to mcen125.2 them thus, as it is written, ``now look, which is it of the men that mcen125.3 shall be set free, christ - you can tell a reason - or barabbas, a man mcen125.4 condemned? mcen125.5 mcen125.6 mcen125.7 mcen125.8

mcen126.1 The Jews shouted in sheer malice, I believe, ``Deliver us Barabbas mcen126.2 and that is what we all request! pilate said again, ``what shall be mcen126.3 done about jesus? they called with great fervour, ``let him be put to mcen126.4 death! mcen126.5 mcen126.6 mcen126.7 mcen126.8

mcen127.1 Pilate knew well that they spoke out of malice. Because of this he mcen127.2 would have liked to protect christ from abuse, and he said to them, ``if mcen127.3 it is what you want, i will chastise him as one who is utterly foolish, mcen127.4 and set him free. mcen127.5 mcen127.6 mcen127.7 mcen127.8

mcen128.1 The Jews called out, ``Let him be crucified! Pilate said, ``I do mcen128.2 not know any reason why he is under condemnation. they cried out with mcen128.3 greater fervour, ``let him be crucified! pilate said, ``no reason mcen128.4 whatsoever can be found to slay him. mcen128.5 mcen128.6 mcen128.7 mcen128.8

mcen129.1 And after careful thought, Pilate said to Jesus, ``All these people mcen129.2 say that you are worthy to be hanged. tell me truly in one word if you mcen129.3 are the son of man and god. christ said courteously, ``it is as you mcen129.4 say. mcen129.5 mcen129.6 mcen129.7 mcen129.8

mcen130.1 At once they stripped him as naked as he had been born and bound him mcen130.2 fast to a pillar so that he could not wriggle at all and then two mcen130.3 whipped him wickedly with two whips and dealt with him most cruelly, mcen130.4 body and head, hands and feet. mcen130.5 mcen130.6 mcen130.7 mcen130.8

mcen131.1 For whips there were sticks in the hands of the two Jews with pliant mcen131.2 cords mixed with thongs bound tightly to them so as to be supple for mcen131.3 beating, and the ends were made into knots so that the blood would flow mcen131.4 out with every knot when they struck. mcen131.5 mcen131.6 mcen131.7 mcen131.8

mcen132.1 And these two were beating upon Christ until they were tired so that mcen132.2 he did not have a vein or a limb or any part of his sweet body that was mcen132.3 not hurting him. very truly this was most grievous and you will hear yet mcen132.4 more of christ's torture as it had happened. mcen132.5 mcen132.6 mcen132.7 mcen132.8

mcen133.1 A wreath of thorns was prepared between them (as they behaved) like mcen133.2 madmen and by common accord was placed upon his head so that it was torn mcen133.3 all around. his blood was pouring from his head and in it a great many mcen133.4 holes were pierced by the thorns. mcen133.5 mcen133.6 mcen133.7 mcen133.8

mcen134.1 From a learned man who knew, I heard that they pulled the wreath mcen134.2 over his head with such force that the thorns came and penetrated to the mcen134.3 brains through the holes. that was a most pitiful torture that christ mcen134.4 was suffering. mcen134.5 mcen134.6 mcen134.7 mcen134.8

mcen135.1 From the very top of his head over his body down to his foot his mcen135.2 skin was all torn and he was covered in his blood. great was the pain, mcen135.3 beyond any other of god's all-powerful son. as the book tells us, mcen135.4 ``never was there so much pain! mcen135.5 mcen135.6 mcen135.7 mcen135.8

mcen136.1 They dressed Christ in a garment and the rich purple was prepared mcen136.2 (taken off him?) to bring him to the ground with shame. they said in mcen136.3 mockery, ``you will have great honour! you are a crowned king! - and mcen136.4 in his right hand also a white wand was placed. mcen136.5 mcen136.6 mcen136.7 mcen136.8

mcen137.1 And they went on their knees and spoke to ridicule him, and pulled mcen137.2 their faces awry, each one to mock him. ``joy to you! you are our king! mcen137.3 you must be honoured! what they were sharing was very painful for him. mcen137.4 hhhhhhhim mcen137.5 mcen137.6 mcen137.7 mcen137.8

mcen138.1 With the same wand that was put into Christ's hand one (man) slashed mcen138.2 him over the head a very well-aimed blow, and many strokes without mcen138.3 cause, and blows also were laid upon christ about his jaws with great mcen138.4 force. mcen138.5 mcen138.6 mcen138.7 mcen138.8

mcen139.1 A man's heart may break who would think all the time about the mcen139.2 great tortures and the undeserved contempt which he had, and all for mcen139.3 your sake jesus christ suffered them. now take great care to love him mcen139.4 and make sure you are not vilely ungrateful. mcen139.5 mcen139.6 mcen139.7 mcen139.8

mcen140.1 Pilate went out of his hall into a garden which he had. It was mcen140.2 near. it was not far, and he took christ with him to talk to him there. mcen140.3 there was a garment about him. the wicked jews were always around jesus. mcen140.4 mcen140.5 mcen140.6 mcen140.7 mcen140.8

mcen141.1 Then Pilate spoke thus to the Jews: ``I do not know that any reason mcen141.2 is found in this man for which he has to be killed. mind, everyone, how mcen141.3 this man is treated. look into your hearts. mcen141.4 mcen141.5 mcen141.6 mcen141.7 mcen141.8

mcen142.1 When they got him among them, they shouted altogether, ``You, mcen142.2 pilate, kill him, kill him; the death of the cross straight away. mcen142.3 pilate spoke again: ``let him be slain by you, for i do not find in him mcen142.4 any good reason why he should be condemned. mcen142.5 mcen142.6 mcen142.7 mcen142.8

mcen143.1 The evil people spoke: ``We definitely have a law by which he must mcen143.2 be slain because he professes to be the son of god. fear sei3ed the mcen143.3 magistrate when he heard talk of this kind so he returned immediately to mcen143.4 his seat. mcen143.5 mcen143.6 mcen143.7 mcen143.8

mcen144.1 He asked Christ, ``You, man, where are you from? Christ did not mcen144.2 answer his question. without pausing pilate said, ``you would not mcen144.3 answer. don't you know my power which i have whereby you may be slain or mcen144.4 set free? mcen144.5 mcen144.6 mcen144.7 mcen144.8

mcen145.1 Jesus said then, ``You would have no power at all over me, for evil mcen145.2 of any kind or good, if another did not give it to you, any more than a mcen145.3 jew who sinned by betraying me. when pilate heard that, he tried to mcen145.4 set him free. mcen145.5 mcen145.6 mcen145.7 mcen145.8

mcen146.1 And the Jews all around were saying to Pilate, ``In that case you mcen146.2 will not have caesar's friendship but shame if you do not have him mcen146.3 crucified, for anyone who makes himself a king is in opposition to mcen146.4 caesar. mcen146.5 mcen146.6 mcen146.7 mcen146.8

mcen147.1 Then when Pilate heard those words from them, he pointed to Jesus mcen147.2 right in the very middle of them. ``look where your king is! he said. mcen147.3 all together they denied him and ordered him to be slain. mcen147.4 mcen147.5 mcen147.6 mcen147.7 mcen147.8

mcen148.1 Pilate said, ``You especially want me to slay him - your king! It is mcen148.2 a disgrace to us. never let it be heard! they said, ``we do not honour mcen148.3 him, nor should we honour him, nor do we ever want any other king but mcen148.4 caesar. mcen148.5 mcen148.6 mcen148.7 mcen148.8

mcen149.1 Pilate washed his hands and said to them, ``I am innocent of the mcen149.2 blood of the holy man, for from his blood vengeance will come. all mcen149.3 together they shouted, ``if vengeance comes and falls heavily upon our mcen149.4 children and upon us, let it be for ever! mcen149.5 mcen149.6 mcen149.7 mcen149.8

mcen150.1 When Pilate saw that there was no way he could release Christ mcen150.2 without incurring great wrath from all the company, for that reason he mcen150.3 awarded jesus to them to slay him. they released barabbas to go away mcen150.4 free. mcen150.5 mcen150.6 mcen150.7 mcen150.8

mcen151.1 When Jesus Christ was condemned to die by crucifixion, a more mcen151.2 hideous death had never been ordained for any living being. the cross mcen151.3 was not yet ready, and the jews did not know where timbers might be mcen151.4 found from which to make a cross. mcen151.5 mcen151.6 mcen151.7 mcen151.8

mcen152.1 One Jew considered and told them there was a tree thrown into the mcen152.2 water which had never been in the sun. it was ordained for the cross mcen152.3 (and the jews did not know) and derived from the apple through which mcen152.4 adam had sinned. mcen152.5 mcen152.6 mcen152.7 mcen152.8

mcen153.1 The timbers were fetched for the cross to be quickly prepared and on mcen153.2 it christ, who was willing, to be placed for us, and on the tree a fruit mcen153.3 borne with which it was sure to save us (and) from which came the fruit mcen153.4 through which we were lost because adam took the first bite of it. mcen153.5 mcen153.6 mcen153.7 mcen153.8

mcen154.1 Still they had no nails to hold Jesus crucified. They called all mcen154.2 around to see if they could indeed find a smith. they saw one there and mcen154.3 went and asked him and said to him, ``you make us three nails. mcen154.4 mcen154.5 mcen154.6 mcen154.7 mcen154.8

mcen155.1 The smith said, ``Very truly I will not make any nails for you. mcen155.2 they said, ``if you make out you are ill you will pay for it in the end mcen155.3 if you fail us in our need over doing such a small job. he answered, mcen155.4 ``i will not make them, on my faith. mcen155.5 mcen155.6 mcen155.7 mcen155.8

mcen156.1 He was vilely rebuked by many justices in the land. He looked for a mcen156.2 way out for fear of being killed. the smith said, ``leprosy has come to mcen156.3 my hands. i cannot hold any tool in them properly to work. mcen156.4 mcen156.5 mcen156.6 mcen156.7 mcen156.8

mcen157.1 He had to show his hands to the out-and-out traitors. They saw mcen157.2 leprosy on them, yet there was none. his wife said, ``i am very mcen157.3 surprised at that, by my troth. when you started out today no leprosy mcen157.4 had taken hold of you. mcen157.5 mcen157.6 mcen157.7 mcen157.8

mcen158.1 The smith's wife said to them, ``You will not be short of nails. mcen158.2 because his hands are diseased he cannot do any work. i will make them mcen158.3 as best i can in a hurry since there is no one available with the skill mcen158.4 to make them better for you. i will not be long. mcen158.5 mcen158.6 mcen158.7 mcen158.8

mcen159.1 The hateful evil wife went very quickly into the house to make nails mcen159.2 hastily to be strong and cruel. they would pierce the hands and feet of mcen159.3 beloved jesus for the spikes were rough when they were hit to secure mcen159.4 him. mcen159.5 mcen159.6 mcen159.7 mcen159.8

mcen160.1 When the nails were sharpened she brought them to the Jews. The mcen160.2 cross of jesus was now ready. they went to slay him quickly. a mighty mcen160.3 quarrel arose about who was going to carry the cross. through much mcen160.4 contention it was decided that christ would carry it himself. mcen160.5 mcen160.6 mcen160.7 mcen160.8

mcen161.1 The fair garment was taken off and the rich purple that he was mcen161.2 wearing and his own robe was put on him. it had been made by his mother mcen161.3 when he was still with her as a breast-fed baby. as jesus grew, so did mcen161.4 the robe. mcen161.5 mcen161.6 mcen161.7 mcen161.8

mcen162.1 They all set out to go to Mount Calvary. It was outside the town, a mcen162.2 high hill indeed. they put the cross on jesus' shoulder to carry there, mcen162.3 so that all the distress and shame would come to jesus christ. mcen162.4 mcen162.5 mcen162.6 mcen162.7 mcen162.8

mcen163.1 Two arrant thieves who had been condemned were made ready with Jesus mcen163.2 to be hanged with him, one on each side of him. jesus was led and behind mcen163.3 him a great mob to pursue him because of the presumption of an evil mcen163.4 magistrate, though he was god. mcen163.5 mcen163.6 mcen163.7 mcen163.8

mcen164.1 His mother most dear saw how they were treating him. Great pity mcen164.2 sei3ed her and her heart was nearly breaking. she ran through an alley mcen164.3 to see if she could find her son. she wanted to wait for him and see mcen164.4 jesus whom she loved. mcen164.5 mcen164.6 mcen164.7 mcen164.8

mcen165.1 When she saw her son treated so dreadfully by the Jews, and being mcen165.2 crowned with thorns and everybody tricking him, and multiple wounds, mcen165.3 many thousand being driven into his body, she swooned without saying a mcen165.4 word and fell backwards. mcen165.5 mcen165.6 mcen165.7 mcen165.8

mcen166.1 Then, when she stood up, she spoke as she was able: ``My torments mcen166.2 which are gripping me now are not little ones. i am ama3ed my heart does mcen166.3 not tear into a thousand pieces when i see my son so weak enduring so mcen166.4 much atrocity. mcen166.5 mcen166.6 mcen166.7 mcen166.8

mcen167.1 All the time there were two faithful women with her, Mary Magdalene, mcen167.2 and mary (wife of) cleophas. they hastened eagerly to meet him again. mcen167.3 for love they wanted to see him - nothing else. mcen167.4 mcen167.5 mcen167.6 mcen167.7 mcen167.8

mcen168.1 Wailing women incessantly followed Jesus Christ. Jesus looked at mcen168.2 them and said to them, ``ye many women and children of the city of mcen168.3 jerusalem who know that my sufferings are great, seek not to weep for mcen168.4 me. mcen168.5 mcen168.6 mcen168.7 mcen168.8

mcen169.1 ``Weep for your children and for yourselves. The days will be seen mcen169.2 and will surely come upon us when wombs that could never conceive will mcen169.3 be blessed and women also whose breast has not been sucked. mcen169.4 mcen169.5 mcen169.6 mcen169.7 mcen169.8

mcen170.1 ``At that time you will command the mountains to fall upon you, mcen170.2 likewise you will beg the valleys to cover you. as i say openly, if it mcen170.3 comes upon the green wood, how indeed will it be then upon the dry and mcen170.4 blighted wood? mcen170.5 mcen170.6 mcen170.7 mcen170.8

mcen171.1 His sweet mother, Blessed Mary, was hurrying all the time so that mcen171.2 she could meet him, her son whom she loved so much. she saw him falling mcen171.3 on his knees through weakness. anguish sei3ed her so sharply that she mcen171.4 swooned again. mcen171.5 mcen171.6 mcen171.7 mcen171.8

mcen172.1 Then she was raised up between some women. ``Lord, she said, ``my mcen172.2 heart is with you, grief-stricken today like you at the sight of you. mcen172.3 never did man suffer pain that went closer to his heart. mcen172.4 mcen172.5 mcen172.6 mcen172.7 mcen172.8

mcen173.1 Dear Jesus suffered the lack of sleep and food and the exceedingly mcen173.2 grievous blows upon his body. blood was falling from his head and limbs mcen173.3 over his legs so that he could not carry the cross any further because mcen173.4 of his weakness. mcen173.5 mcen173.6 mcen173.7 mcen173.8

mcen174.1 A certain man met them. He was Simon by his proper name. They said mcen174.2 to him, ``young man, you will carry the cross won't you? simon refused mcen174.3 to carry it. he received blows. he would not refuse any more for fear of mcen174.4 being killed. mcen174.5 mcen174.6 mcen174.7 mcen174.8

mcen175.1 He carried the cross along with them. Most certainly this was mcen175.2 against his will. they gave no other reason than the following of their mcen175.3 will. be faithful at all times, man. if you will trust me, never serve mcen175.4 the false one, whether he is an old man or young. mcen175.5 mcen175.6 mcen175.7 mcen175.8

mcen176.1 They hastened to the place which had been previously arranged. When mcen176.2 they arrived there, between them jesus' garment was taken off. its mcen176.3 removal caused him great pain. it was now stuck fast to him. not even a mcen176.4 leper had ever been stripped more brutally than he. mcen176.5 mcen176.6 mcen176.7 mcen176.8

mcen177.1 A certain good woman saw how Jesus was stripped. She took great pity mcen177.2 because he was treated so cruelly. she wound a beautiful cloth round him mcen177.3 straight away and wrapped up his lower part to shield him from being mcen177.4 killed by the cold. mcen177.5 mcen177.6 mcen177.7 mcen177.8

mcen178.1 They took the measure of Christ from one hand to the other. mcen178.2 according to the width they drilled just two holes in the cross so that mcen178.3 the great nails would go through his hands right up to the head. they mcen178.4 would drill a hole for his feet to stretch him out. mcen178.5 mcen178.6 mcen178.7 mcen178.8

mcen179.1 Christ was thrown by them to lie on the cross and his one hand was mcen179.2 nailed to the cross securely where it was, and his one foot was placed mcen179.3 exactly on top of the other. they were fastened to the cross by a nail mcen179.4 driven through them. mcen179.5 mcen179.6 mcen179.7 mcen179.8

mcen180.1 When they came to the other hand to fasten it to the cross, there mcen180.2 was more than a foot short so that it would not reach the hole which had mcen180.3 been made. however, the Jews would not make another hole but they mcen180.4 intended the hole which they had made to serve. mcen180.5 mcen180.6 mcen180.7 mcen180.8

mcen181.1 A rope was soon tied firmly by them to Christ's hand, and between mcen181.2 the Jews the cross was tightly held. the rope was pulled with so much mcen181.3 3eal by some that his joints were altogether torn, every one of them. mcen181.4 mcen181.5 mcen181.6 mcen181.7 mcen181.8

mcen182.1 When Christ's hand came over the hole by the force with which they mcen182.2 pulled, one Jew drove a nail into it like a mad thing. now i beg you all mcen182.3 to think of christ's tortures, and that the laws which he made for us mcen182.4 should not be lost. mcen182.5 mcen182.6 mcen182.7 mcen182.8

mcen183.1 It is written quite definitely, and I would not say otherwise, that mcen183.2 they pulled the body and limbs of jesus so savagely that anyone who mcen183.3 wanted could count all his bones and his sinews, flesh and veins, when mcen183.4 he was on the cross. mcen183.5 mcen183.6 mcen183.7 mcen183.8

mcen184.1 And the cross was raised with Jesus fastened on it and the bottom mcen184.2 placed in a hole which had been drilled for it. there it was dropped so mcen184.3 brutally that all christ's body and limbs were jolted. mcen184.4 mcen184.5 mcen184.6 mcen184.7 mcen184.8

mcen185.1 While Christ was thus in pain suffering crucifixion he prayed in mcen185.2 this manner for those who had crucified him. ``my gentle father, may mcen185.3 these be forgiven for their ignorance for even i do not know how greatly mcen185.4 indeed they are sinning. mcen185.5 mcen185.6 mcen185.7 mcen185.8

mcen186.1 The Jews hanged a thief on Christ's left hand and on his right they mcen186.2 hanged a great thief also, and christ in the middle, full of grace, his mcen186.3 heart full of sorrow. ``he ended with thieves, as it is written about mcen186.4 his end. mcen186.5 mcen186.6 mcen186.7 mcen186.8

mcen187.1 Pilate wanted to write a reason for Christ's death, why he had been mcen187.2 condemned, and he wrote it himself. when pilate came to read it, it was mcen187.3 not a reason at all. whenever he looked he always found, ``this is the mcen187.4 king of the jews. mcen187.5 mcen187.6 mcen187.7 mcen187.8

mcen188.1 The Jews said, ``This is an outrage upon us. Let it be struck out mcen188.2 that he is our king and let it be put there that he had wanted to be by mcen188.3 domination. ``what i have written, i have written, said pilate to mcen188.4 them. mcen188.5 mcen188.6 mcen188.7 mcen188.8

mcen189.1 The charge was securely nailed to the cross where he was, and mcen189.2 placed above christ's head so that all could read it. because christ was mcen189.3 crucified near the road to the city it was read by many that he was mcen189.4 their king. mcen189.5 mcen189.6 mcen189.7 mcen189.8

mcen190.1 Christ's garments were divided, four parts being made of them by mcen190.2 four soldiers of repute, a share for each soldier. his robe was so mcen190.3 beautifully made that they were unwilling to divide it. lots were cast mcen190.4 upon it to see who should get the whole robe. mcen190.5 mcen190.6 mcen190.7 mcen190.8

mcen191.1 The one who was hanged on his left was without shame, an out-and-out mcen191.2 thief. in mockery he said, ``you, christ, if you are as clever in the mcen191.3 world as you pretended, show it now and perform a remedy, and save mcen191.4 yourself and me as well so that we may be sure of our lives. mcen191.5 mcen191.6 mcen191.7 mcen191.8

mcen192.1 The other thief said, ``You are an evil man, just as you were. You mcen192.2 do not fear god. you are blind, for he who has been hanged with us is a mcen192.3 man who is, without doubt, free of sin. in him there is no blemish. it mcen192.4 is fitting that we should be hanged for we have been wicked robbers. mcen192.5 mcen192.6 mcen192.7 mcen192.8

mcen193.1 The thief on the right prayed like this: ``Lord, when you come into mcen193.2 your land, think of me! then christ, the beloved, answered him very mcen193.3 kindly, ``you will be with me this very day in paradise. mcen193.4 mcen193.5 mcen193.6 mcen193.7 mcen193.8

mcen194.1 The Jews talked about Jesus to mock him: ``Before, he was able to mcen194.2 save people from every evil. now with all his power he cannot protect mcen194.3 himself from us, nor with all his treachery can he deceive us. mcen194.4 mcen194.5 mcen194.6 mcen194.7 mcen194.8

mcen195.1 Others went on their knees before Jesus. They shook their heads and mcen195.2 spoke very cruelly to jesus to harass him: ``behold, here is the one who mcen195.3 can utterly pulverise god's temple and build it up at will. mcen195.4 mcen195.5 mcen195.6 mcen195.7 mcen195.8

mcen196.1 And they went on their knees and made ugly grimaces. As badly as mcen196.2 they could they contorted their faces at jesus. whilst his pain was at mcen196.3 its height they spat in his face. this was a harsh end for him as he mcen196.4 redeemed our sin. mcen196.5 mcen196.6 mcen196.7 mcen196.8

mcen197.1 Some said to Christ when he was crucified, ``If you are Christ, the mcen197.2 son of david, come off the cross unharmed, and we will believe in your mcen197.3 authority and acknowledge you always as master. ``i am the son of god mcen197.4 indeed, christ said to them. mcen197.5 mcen197.6 mcen197.7 mcen197.8

mcen198.1 On the right side of Christ there was his mother Mary and on the mcen198.2 other side his servant also whom he loved. ``for you, lady, he said, i mcen198.3 make john your son - and you, do not ever seek any mother other than mcen198.4 her. mcen198.5 mcen198.6 mcen198.7 mcen198.8

mcen199.1 After Christ had surrendered his soul, John held Mary as his mother, mcen199.2 each to the other, as christ had ordered. he always honoured his mother mcen199.3 in every way he could. in this way her son wanted to provide support for mcen199.4 her. mcen199.5 mcen199.6 mcen199.7 mcen199.8

mcen200.1 Now the time had come when he was near to his end. At that time mcen200.2 there was an earthquake and it went all over the earth. a great darkness mcen200.3 came about. the sun's presence was lost and (there were) more wonders mcen200.4 also i believe than these. mcen200.5 mcen200.6 mcen200.7 mcen200.8

mcen201.1 So it went on right up to midday. Then Christ wanted to say ``Eli, mcen201.2 eli. what he said is to be interpreted, ``lord, why have you abandoned mcen201.3 me? but some insisted that it was a drink that christ was demanding. mcen201.4 mcen201.5 mcen201.6 mcen201.7 mcen201.8

mcen202.1 An evil drink was hastily prepared by the Jews, a devilish liquor, mcen202.2 most loathsome, vinegar mixed with gall. it was held out to christ in a mcen202.3 sponge fixed to a rod. they all worked hastily because christ was not mcen202.4 understood. mcen202.5 mcen202.6 mcen202.7 mcen202.8

mcen203.1 Some of the evil Jews said without pity, ``Behold him calling Elias mcen203.2 to him to preserve him. see whether he comes and rises up to deliver him mcen203.3 from his tortures. yet all the time the wicked ones had been far from mcen203.4 the truth. mcen203.5 mcen203.6 mcen203.7 mcen203.8

mcen204.1 His torture was so intense and cruel that in no way could he live mcen204.2 without surrendering his blessed spirit that had ever lived in purity. mcen204.3 as we read in many places, christ prayed like this: ``into your hands, mcen204.4 lord, i commend my spirit. mcen204.5 mcen204.6 mcen204.7 mcen204.8

mcen205.1 Because of the piercing of thorns as he was stretched out, there was mcen205.2 no way he could stop his head leaning downward. because of the wreath he mcen205.3 was wearing, if he leaned to one side it hurt him because of his mcen205.4 shoulder, and the wood hurt even worse if he laid it backward. mcen205.5 mcen205.6 mcen205.7 mcen205.8

mcen206.1 Nor could he lean forward for fear of being choked. At that time, as mcen206.2 we read what is written in the scriptures, there were places ready for mcen206.3 the wild birds to build their nests; for christ no place was found for mcen206.4 him to hold his head. mcen206.5 mcen206.6 mcen206.7 mcen206.8

mcen207.1 For he was compelled to allow his head to hang. Because his blood mcen207.2 had completely left him, he could not live. he wanted to hold his head mcen207.3 towards his mother to whom he belonged, and his soul went from him with mcen207.4 a shrill scream and a loud cry. mcen207.5 mcen207.6 mcen207.7 mcen207.8

mcen208.1 By the cross of Jesus there was a man called a centurion. When he mcen208.2 had seen so many marvels concerning the death of christ, and how he had mcen208.3 unnaturally yielded up his soul with a cry, he said, without mockery, mcen208.4 ``this is god's son indeed. and many there were with him bore witness to it. mcen208.5 mcen208.6 mcen208.7 mcen208.8

mcen209.1 Now it was midday or past in the land. As it is written, there was mcen209.2 an earthquake and lightning and darkness as well. the veil of the temple mcen209.3 was rent in two and fell to the ground. then also the stones that were mcen209.4 strong and hard broke up. mcen209.5 mcen209.6 mcen209.7 mcen209.8

mcen210.1 The graves in many places were opened wide, and the bodies that were mcen210.2 there were raised up and went directly to the city. they were seen by mcen210.3 many to bear witness to the truth that he who was slain was the son of mcen210.4 god. mcen210.5 mcen210.6 mcen210.7 mcen210.8

mcen211.1 Water and earth and fire and wind, sun and moon and stars likewise mcen211.2 suffered distress from christ suffering death. nature causes, i mcen211.3 maintain, if a good lord is put to torture, all his subjects, even if mcen211.4 they are saints, to be afflicted because of his suffering. mcen211.5 mcen211.6 mcen211.7 mcen211.8

mcen212.1 The soul of Christ went to hell and broke down the doors. By his mcen212.2 great strength and skill he bound devils there. lucifer is still bound mcen212.3 very tightly in bonds and he dwells interminably in hell, in darkness. mcen212.4 mcen212.5 mcen212.6 mcen212.7 mcen212.8

mcen213.1 Then Christ freed Adam and Eve from prison, so that all who had done mcen213.2 his father's will would have a dwelling in heaven. when he went out the mcen213.3 good people followed him as he wished. the wicked stayed in hell in mcen213.4 relentless torment. mcen213.5 mcen213.6 mcen213.7 mcen213.8

mcen214.1 A citizen called Joseph of the City of Arimathaea said, on Christ's mcen214.2 death, that he had always been a holy man. he intended by all his mcen214.3 planning to dwell with him in heaven. jesus was loved by him but he was mcen214.4 not bold enough to make it known. mcen214.5 mcen214.6 mcen214.7 mcen214.8

mcen215.1 Joseph went to the magistrate, to Pilate, who was a perverse mcen215.2 authoritarian, and very boldly asked him for the body of jesus as a mcen215.3 gift. because joseph was a favourite it was granted to him. pilate gave mcen215.4 orders to see whether christ was dead. mcen215.5 mcen215.6 mcen215.7 mcen215.8

mcen216.1 The crafty caitiff Jews - great shame be upon them - they went to mcen216.2 look at jesus as he was hanging crucified. they saw by his face that he mcen216.3 was indeed dead. they even had the presumption, all of them, to pierce mcen216.4 him through the heart. mcen216.5 mcen216.6 mcen216.7 mcen216.8

mcen217.1 In their company was a soldier called Longis. He was blind. He could mcen217.2 not see at all. he had been a man of rank. a spear with a sharp point mcen217.3 was put into his hands by the Jews to pierce the heart of jesus, the mcen217.4 holy one. mcen217.5 mcen217.6 mcen217.7 mcen217.8

mcen218.1 Longis, indeed was on the right hand of the cross of Jesus. They mcen218.2 ordered the soldier by name to pierce the body of beloved jesus. he mcen218.3 thrust the sharp spear exactly beneath the ribs so that it went through mcen218.4 the heart. mcen218.5 mcen218.6 mcen218.7 mcen218.8

mcen219.1 From the heart there went a great stream of water and blood mixed mcen219.2 together which ran along the spear to the hands of him who struck him. mcen219.3 he washed his eyes with his one hand that had been made bloody. by mcen219.4 virtue of the blood he saw how jesus christ had been treated. mcen219.5 mcen219.6 mcen219.7 mcen219.8

mcen220.1 Great remorse overcame him for the deed that he had done. He fell on mcen220.2 his knees. ``lord, forgiveness! he said. ``i was blind. i could not mcen220.3 see properly that i was living so vilely. jesus forgave him when he mcen220.4 saw his repentance. mcen220.5 mcen220.6 mcen220.7 mcen220.8

mcen221.1 When the mother of Jesus, Blessed Mary, saw the thrusting of the mcen221.2 spear into her son, into his side, so that it ran through the heart, and mcen221.3 how the blood and the water ran from him to the ground, great anguish, mcen221.4 cruel pain and a powerful spasm sei3ed her. mcen221.5 mcen221.6 mcen221.7 mcen221.8

mcen222.1 She wept very bitterly. She had no desire to laugh and the tears mcen222.2 flowed from her eyes very freely. her sweet heart would have broken for mcen222.3 sadness, i say, if the holy spirit had not protected her because of the mcen222.4 grace that was in her. mcen222.5 mcen222.6 mcen222.7 mcen222.8

mcen223.1 An arrow went though her heart when she had seen her son destroyed. mcen223.2 grief, compassion, natural and human feeling was the arrow, and the mcen223.3 other end, compassion secured fast with love. no man has ever suffered mcen223.4 so much pain in his lifetime. mcen223.5 mcen223.6 mcen223.7 mcen223.8

mcen224.1 The arrow which had been foretold struck her cruelly with great mcen224.2 anguish, so that by the force of the blow a well of blood gathered upon mcen224.3 her heart, and she wept so much with such great strength and force that mcen224.4 a part of the well rose up - god! what a wicked pang! mcen224.5 mcen224.6 mcen224.7 mcen224.8

mcen225.1 Of that blood three tears went through her eyes. It was not a mcen225.2 comfort or a salve to make her heart glad and her ills beset her mcen225.3 woefully with so much sorrow that in all the world so much wretchedness mcen225.4 could not be found. mcen225.5 mcen225.6 mcen225.7 mcen225.8

mcen226.1 Her pains which were great and intense are turned to joy for her for mcen226.2 she is queen in heaven. she is worthy to be adored. angels stand before mcen226.3 her. many thousands follow her will and her son honours her as he mcen226.4 wishes. fairer than the sun is her brightness. mcen226.5 mcen226.6 mcen226.7 mcen226.8

mcen227.1 In the body of Jesus, as he was hanging crucified, I hear there were mcen227.2 five thousand weals and four times a hundred wounds and with them mcen227.3 seventy-five more. they were absolutely authentic and he suffered them mcen227.4 all for pure love towards mankind. mcen227.5 mcen227.6 mcen227.7 mcen227.8

mcen228.1 Anyone who would say fifteen Our Fathers every day with a full heart mcen228.2 to glorify our dear lord's passion - in a year these would be as many mcen228.3 our fathers in number as there were wounds in the body of jesus. mcen228.4 mcen228.5 mcen228.6 mcen228.7 mcen228.8

mcen229.1 The Jews did not want the thieves to be hanging overnight because it mcen229.2 was their passover. they celebrated it as a high day. the Jews among mcen229.3 them arranged that they should break their thighs at once and carry them mcen229.4 away from there. mcen229.5 mcen229.6 mcen229.7 mcen229.8

mcen230.1 By the time this was done it was already evening in the land. At mcen230.2 that time also they gave permission to joseph and, as it was time, he mcen230.3 took the body of jesus from the cross. three marys, i believe, helped mcen230.4 him when he called. mcen230.5 mcen230.6 mcen230.7 mcen230.8

mcen231.1 The mother of Jesus Christ kissed her Son's body very sadly and her mcen231.2 tears ran when she thought of him, and the great grief that oppressed mcen231.3 her when she looked at his wound (it was in the side) pierced her mcen231.4 through her heart. mcen231.5 mcen231.6 mcen231.7 mcen231.8

mcen232.1 Joseph straightened Christ's legs and his sweet arms as was mcen232.2 customary and extended them very becomingly. round his body he wound mcen232.3 rich linen in many folds, while mary, full of grace, was with him, sad mcen232.4 and sorrowful. mcen232.5 mcen232.6 mcen232.7 mcen232.8

mcen233.1 There was a garden there and in it a grave had been prepared to mcen233.2 receive a dead man. newly prepared, it had not been used. the body of mcen233.3 jesus christ was carried between them to the sepulchre and was left in mcen233.4 it to lie outstretched. mcen233.5 mcen233.6 mcen233.7 mcen233.8

mcen234.1 A certain good man, Nicodemus by name, loved Christ. He was not bold mcen234.2 enough to make it known for fear of being slain. at night, simply in mcen234.3 expiation, he went to the dead body with ointment which he had, and mcen234.4 spices of great virtue. mcen234.5 mcen234.6 mcen234.7 mcen234.8

mcen235.1 Nicodemus anointed the body of Jesus and his limbs. The ointment was mcen235.2 of such great virtue that it preserved a body from putrefaction. he did mcen235.3 not leave any one of his limbs without anointing it. in this way he mcen235.4 prepared him. cold stones indeed were his bed. mcen235.5 mcen235.6 mcen235.7 mcen235.8

mcen236.1 And he put spices of many kinds in his grave on each side of Christ, mcen236.2 both right and left, on his feet and on his head and all over his body mcen236.3 also, a demonstration after pain that he would be king at last. mcen236.4 mcen236.5 mcen236.6 mcen236.7 mcen236.8

mcen237.1 And the Jews placed a stone over Jesus. It was broad and heavy and mcen237.2 big - bigger than could be held by three men. one who was faithful in mcen237.3 his service kept watch with him through the night. that night passed by mcen237.4 with all its evil and wretchedness. mcen237.5 mcen237.6 mcen237.7 mcen237.8

mcen238.1 The next day strife arose among the foolish Jews. They spoke sharply mcen238.2 and loudly and very foolishly so that they were prepared for what they mcen238.3 would see. they could not destroy him because jesus had said he would mcen238.4 rise on the third day. mcen238.5 mcen238.6 mcen238.7 mcen238.8

mcen239.1 They all rushed to Pilate who was a magistrate. One Jew spoke to him mcen239.2 eagerly like this: ``tonight we may be lost, here and now, and the death mcen239.3 of jesus may be the worse for us. mcen239.4 mcen239.5 mcen239.6 mcen239.7 mcen239.8

mcen240.1 ``For the traitor said before many that he would rise the third day mcen240.2 after being slain. but if he is carried off by his people so that we do mcen240.3 not find him then it will be said that he has risen through mcen240.4 supernatural power. mcen240.5 mcen240.6 mcen240.7 mcen240.8

mcen241.1 Pilate commanded them, on pain of losing their lives, to go to the mcen241.2 body and guard it so that enemies would not take it, and to keep watch mcen241.3 all night and take care they did not sleep a moment. they went in haste. mcen241.4 they were four armed soldiers. mcen241.5 mcen241.6 mcen241.7 mcen241.8

mcen242.1 When they reached the grave, one soldier went to his head and mcen242.2 another to his feet as well, armed right up to the teeth, and on the mcen242.3 right and left, one on each side. they made a direct and shameless boast mcen242.4 that they would guard him in spite of anything he could do. mcen242.5 mcen242.6 mcen242.7 mcen242.8

mcen243.1 The soldiers slept in the morning as day was breaking and Jesus rose mcen243.2 again and moved wherever he wanted, manifestly a man with great grace mcen243.3 and with a bright light shining. he did everything he wanted and they mcen243.4 could not prevent him. mcen243.5 mcen243.6 mcen243.7 mcen243.8

mcen244.1 When it was very late, one soldier awoke as the daylight came from mcen244.2 heaven upon his face. he saw a beautiful light and the stone that was mcen244.3 over sweet jesus overturned also, and sitting upon it a blessed, joyful mcen244.4 angel. mcen244.5 mcen244.6 mcen244.7 mcen244.8

mcen245.1 That soldier got his comrades up completely and told them what had mcen245.2 happened about jesus: ``this man has risen. he has gone we know not mcen245.3 where. now there is no way to protect ourselves from being killed. mcen245.4 mcen245.5 mcen245.6 mcen245.7 mcen245.8

mcen246.1 Another soldier spoke: ``Woe to us that we were ever born. Alas, O mcen246.2 god, alas, alas! a sleep has caught us out. we have lost our lives and mcen246.3 our children also. let us get ready. let us cross over away from the mcen246.4 land. let us escape so we are not caught. mcen246.5 mcen246.6 mcen246.7 mcen246.8

mcen247.1 The fourth spoke: ``Let us not try to escape from the country. Let mcen247.2 us go to the magistrate. let us tell plainly as it was how he rose from mcen247.3 his grave. let us not tell one word of a lie. they did at once mcen247.4 entirely according to his bidding. mcen247.5 mcen247.6 mcen247.7 mcen247.8

mcen248.1 They hastened to Pilate their magistrate. They would advise him what mcen248.2 had happened. and they told him christ had risen without great effort mcen248.3 entirely at his pleasure with radiance, and they could not prevent him mcen248.4 doing exactly as he wished. mcen248.5 mcen248.6 mcen248.7 mcen248.8

mcen249.1 Then when Pilate heard that they were talking like this, he became mcen249.2 worried for fear that they would tell it and make it known throughout mcen249.3 the land for certain, close at hand and far away, so that men would come mcen249.4 in great force to wage a war of rebellion against him. mcen249.5 mcen249.6 mcen249.7 mcen249.8

mcen250.1 Because of that Pilate gave the soldiers their gift so that they mcen250.2 said and falsely publicised everywhere throughout the land, that in the mcen250.3 night so many armed men came upon them and surrounded them that they mcen250.4 were not bold enough to stay, but all took flight. mcen250.5 mcen250.6 mcen250.7 mcen250.8

mcen251.1 When the soldiers heard Pilate talking like this they were delighted mcen251.2 that they would escape in such a way from the pains that were great and mcen251.3 intense and get such good gifts. so they made pilate's wish known mcen251.4 wherever they went. mcen251.5 mcen251.6 mcen251.7 mcen251.8

mcen252.1 On that same day, very early, when the sun was newly risen, three mcen252.2 marys, pure and humble, came to the said grave, bringing ointment mcen252.3 without equal which had been bought for the body of jesus. at that time mcen252.4 they were still not aware that the son of god had risen. mcen252.5 mcen252.6 mcen252.7 mcen252.8

mcen253.1 When the three Marys had come close to the grave, they saw the stone mcen253.2 that was on top raised up. so the women said to each other, ``who has mcen253.3 overturned the stone for us from the grave? mcen253.4 mcen253.5 mcen253.6 mcen253.7 mcen253.8

mcen254.1 The women, full of grace, had paused close by the grave. At the head mcen254.2 of the grave, which has been mentioned before, they saw a young person mcen254.3 in white clothing. it was an angel and they did not know. a shudder of mcen254.4 great fear sei3ed them because of the wonder they had seen. mcen254.5 mcen254.6 mcen254.7 mcen254.8

mcen255.1 The angel spoke to them: ``Do not be discouraged. Jesus Christ of mcen255.2 na3areth who was slain as you saw has risen and gone to another place, mcen255.3 clearly a man of great worth. behold the place where he was. he does not mcen255.4 remain here. mcen255.5 mcen255.6 mcen255.7 mcen255.8

mcen256.1 ``Go immediately to his disciples and tell them and Peter to come mcen256.2 quickly to meet him in galilee. there, christ the beloved you will find mcen256.3 in joy as he himself said, alive in flesh and blood. mcen256.4 mcen256.5 mcen256.6 mcen256.7 mcen256.8

mcen257.1 With that they turned away, reassured and joyful, and went to look mcen257.2 for christ's people and found them grieving. they told them the whole mcen257.3 story. they went in one gathering to look for him and to speak to sweet mcen257.4 jesus. mcen257.5 mcen257.6 mcen257.7 mcen257.8

mcen258.1 When they came to Galilee they saw Jesus Christ alive in his mcen258.2 humanity, manifestly a man and full of grace. all his pain had passed mcen258.3 him by. and they were transported into great joy, a joy which shall be mcen258.4 ours for ever if we believe and are good. mcen258.5 mcen258.6 mcen258.7 mcen258.8

mcen259.1 As the Son of God then rose from his grave on the third day, mcen259.2 likewise we all shall rise on judgment day, bad and good alike. the good mcen259.3 man's work shall grow. then he will be rich. woe to a wicked man on that mcen259.4 day. he will be at christ's left hand. mcen259.5 mcen259.6 mcen259.7 mcen259.8


  1. ^ Jenner, H. (1915/6) "The fourteenth century endorsement", in: Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall; vol. 20
  2. ^ Ellis, P. B. (1974) The Cornish Language; pp. 43-44